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Family traditions are the basis of modern Russian society


The Agrarian University took part in the First Southern Forum "Domostroy: Strengthening the Family is the Basis of the Russian State", which was held on November 7 in Stavropol.

The forum was organized by the non-commercial partnership "Southern Guild of Bakers, Confectioners, the Hospitality Industry". Representatives of the Duma of Stavropol Territory, heads of regional public and general educational organizations took part in its work.

The business program of the forum included a plenary session "Family traditions are the basis of modern Russian society", a youth round table "Family values, priorities and opportunities in the modern world", a discussion platform "Family Entrepreneurship is the economic future of the country", lectures "Bread, Orthodoxy and Peace" , "Bread is health", "Bread is head of everything", "Bread and woman", etc. Within the framework of the event there was a contest "House of Family Traditions", in which 14 families of the region participated.

The first deputy chairman of the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Onishchenko G.G., Governor of Stavropol Territory Vladimirov V.V., President of the Russian Guild of Bakers and confectioners Katsnelson Yu.M., Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Issues of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Lavrynenko A.F., member of the State Duma Culture Committee Bondarenko Ye.V., Chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory Yagubov G. V.

In the course of the plenary session the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir I. Trukhachev emphasized that the atmosphere of warmth, mutual respect and mutual understanding was historically rooted in the Agrarian University for 87 years of existence. It resembles the home environment in which a huge and friendly family lives and works. It would have been difficult for such a large family to take place if it had not been fueled by the life-giving soil of small families generating new "seedlings of generations" connected by threads of succession.

Annually, at all university faculties, meetings are held with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and Labor, meetings of graduates of different years, an unforgettable student's school of the Activist Youth Leader of the State Agrarian University, a sweet holiday "Ice Cream Day", Initiation of freshmen students, Parade of Russian students and many other bright events of multifaceted student life.

In short, at Agrarian University, as in a large family, the tradition of transmitting from generation to generation the attitude to the alma mater as the second home in which one wants to live, work and create in the name of its success and development is constantly being cherished.

According to the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the relationship between the older generation and students is one of the important university traditions. Meetings of agrarian youth with elderly people during holidays or warm friendly meetings leave indelible impressions, have a huge educational effect on students. Particularly solemn in the agricultural university is celebration in honour of jubilee, active participation in such events is taken by creative student groups.

The best example of the stability of any organization is the preservation of professional dynasties and the emergence of new ones. One of such dynasties, who gave themselves to the service of the university and profession, is the dynasty of the Sevostyanovs, Serikovs, Dorozhko. A true dynastic record can be considered the fact that all 12 children of three well-known successful leaders of Stavropol agrofirms - the brothers Ivan, Michael and Vladimir Kits, as well as their fathers, are graduates of the State Agrarian University.

According to the management and staff of the university, the education of future professionals, the support of family traditions, the continuity of generations, coupled with a high level of education is an important vector for stability and further development of the state. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  4

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