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Let's solve all the mysteries of the economy!


Under this motto, the Intellectual game and summarizing the competition timed to the Day of the Economist took place at the Economics Faculty of the University.

Organizers of the intellectual game "Economy without secrets" for students of the 2nd year of the direction "Economics" (Profiles "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations" and "World Economy") were the associate professors of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Agroindustrial Complex Yu.V. Rybasova and O.A. Cherednichenko. The aim of the game was to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and skills obtained in the course of studying the discipline "Economics of Organizations", and acquaint students with the history of the appearance of the professional holiday - the Day of the Economist.

At the beginning of the meeting the dean of the economic faculty, Doctor of Economics, Professor O.N. Kusakina congratulated all those present on the professional holiday and turned to the origins of the creation of the Free Economic Society, of which she has been a member for many years. In her address to her colleagues, Olga Nikolaevna once again confirmed the importance of the economist's profession in the activities of organizations and the country's economy as a whole. According to her: "An economist is an expert on economic issues, one of the most important specialists in an enterprise whose job is to correctly prioritize and achieve goals in order to maximize profits with the least losses. In whatever organization an economist is working, his distinctive feature is the ability to see the situation as a whole and, taking into account all aspects of the company's activity, to find ways to increase profits. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the company, it is the economist who can offer the most effective development strategy." O. Kusakina also noted that today only competent specialists possessing universal economic knowledge and skills, possessing strategic thinking, able to conduct qualitative analysis and build a forecast for the future, are in demand. She wished the students high achievements in studies, to become professionals in their field and to be able not only to survive in the turbulent environment of the market, but also to actively develop.

About the history of the Imperial Free Economic Society (FES), founded November 11, 1765 and received the approval and patronage of the Empress Catherine II, students were further told by Yu.V. Rybasova.

- This organization primarily sought to educate and develop the principles of economic development of the state. Practical actions were also taken to achieve the goal of developing and boosting the Russian economy. No wonder the symbol of the Society was a coat of arms depicting bees flying to a beehive and carrying honey, and the motto is the word "useful", - stressed Yulia Viktorovna.

The progress of the intellectual game and its results were assessed by a competent jury composed of: A. Barinov, Senior Analyst of Agroalliance LLC and Associate Professors of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the AIC A.O. Cherednichenko, V.V. Kurennoy, S.V. Alivanova.

It should be noted that Alexander Vladimirovich Barinov is a graduate of the Economics Faculty of the year 2013 with a degree in Economics and Management in the Agroindustrial Complex. As an economist, he has been working fruitfully for four years.

Addressing the participants, Alexander Vladimirovich noted the importance of the comprehensive knowledge of the economist in modern conditions. At the same time, he stressed that knowledge of not only economic disciplines, but also technology of production of products is important for a full-fledged professional activity. That is why the educational programs of the training profiles "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations" and "World Economy", including a number of technological and engineering disciplines with pronounced agrarian specifics, according to experts, best meet modern realities of the economy. A successful graduate of SSAU wished the students further success in their studies and invited them to the production practice to Agroalliance LLC.

Further during the game, the students were offered tests of various content and level of difficulty, with which they coped "perfectly", showing knowledge, showing ingenuity, the ability to work in a team. Individual tasks were offered to the fans of the teams, which allowed all students to take an active part in the game.

As a result of the competition, the team "Crypto-ruble" was recognized as the winner, the "Economic Guard" team took the 2nd place of honor and the "Mirowiki" team took the 3rd place. Honored awards were also received by the fans who brought additional points to their teams: Ramazanova Sofia, Ruslan Parastaev and Elena Tikhonova.

At the end of the event, the results of the essay contest on "The Profession of an Economist: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow", conducted among students of the 2-4 courses of the "Economics" course, were summed up. As a result, the best students were 3-year student Chernova Xenia, second-year students Zhukovsky Mikhail and Rusina Victoria. All teams and active participants of the contest and games were awarded diplomas and certificates.

In the opinion of teachers, the game form of conducting classes once again proved its usefulness and effectiveness in the educational process. Competencies acquired during the game, in the best way contribute to the professional training of specialists in the economic profile.

Дата новости для фото:  17.11.2017 08:14:02
Номер новости для фото:  1

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