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Congratulations on the International Students Day!


Dear friends!
Accept my warmest congratulations
on the International Students Day!

Today's International Students' Solidarity Day has important historical roots. It is established in memory of student patriots who fought in European countries against Nazism.
In our time, World Student Day is gaining strength and serves as a reminder of the struggle of student youth in the name of a happy future. The holiday is a symbol of international educational unity, a day of solidarity and unification of all faculties and educational institutions, of which there are only 6 million in Russia, and more than 100 in the world.
Students, remember always how numerous you are! Intelligent, talented, young, able to unite for the sake of good deeds and prosperity of the Motherland. I wish you bright, active student years and true friendship - strong, unselfish, which will accompany you not only during your studies, but throughout your life, help overcome difficulties, share the joy of victories and new achievements!
Excellent study, inspiration for creativity, sporting excitement, happiness, kindness, optimism, perseverance for achieving high goals and conquering incredible heights!
Congratulations on the International Students Day!

Rector of Stavropol State
University Agrarian University,
Academician of RAS, professor,
deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Territory,
hero of the work of Stavropol,
Honorary Citizen of Stavropol Territory
V. I. Trukhachev

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