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Agrochemical survey of agricultural soils and preparation of recommendations on mineral nutrition of agricultural crops


On November 14-15, on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, refresher courses for more than 50 specialists of the distribution network of the limited liability company EuroChemTrainingRus, a strategic partner of the Agrarian University, were held.

EuroChem is one of the fastest growing large fertilizer producers. An agrochemical company with a vertically integrated business model combines access to cheap natural resources and production assets, its own logistics infrastructure, advisory services and an international distribution and distribution network.

At the moment, it produces nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, and in the near future the production of potassium fertilizers will be launched, which will expand the company's product range. By the way, all products are of high quality, whether they are standard general-purpose fertilizers or actively developing prolonged-action fertilizers, or specialized fertilizers, on which EuroChem focuses.

The geography of production assets is gradually expanding and covers, except for Russia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Belgium, as well as China, where the joint venture is launched. These assets have direct access to the main markets thanks to the logistics and distribution network, which currently operates in more than 25 countries.

EuroChem is a strategic partner of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Over the past few years, the department has been the coordinator of scientific research and the organizer of production and demonstration wholesale in the conditions of the region.

Advanced training, organized on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, was devoted to the methods of agrochemical analysis: the main indicators of soil fertility and their evaluation in the compilation of plant nutrition systems, as well as the method of soil sampling.

The courses were attended by more than 50 people from all regions of Russia, as well as representatives of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

In the process of training seminars, the audience was exposed to many pressing questions. Thus, the topic "Peculiarities and perspectives of the application of mineral fertilizers in resource-saving technologies for cultivating agricultural crops" was highlighted by the professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. N. Esaulko. Passed a master class on the compilation of food crops "Use of empirical, balance methods for the compilation of food systems of crops." Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Soil Science. V. I. Tulpanov, V. S. Tskhovrebov presented a paper on the topic "Exchange acidity (pH). Hydrolytic acidity (Hg). Soil absorbing complex. Calculation of the capacity of cation exchange (ECO). Calculation of the degree of saturation of soils with bases. "

Candidates of agricultural sciences, associate professors A. A. Belovolova, E. V. Golosnoy, Yu. I. Grechishkin accentuated the listeners' attention on the topics: "Physiological role of elements of mineral nutrition of plants"; "Humus (organic matter Sorg.). Nitrate, ammonium nitrogen. Total nitrogen. Mobile phosphorus. Exchange potassium "; "Microelements (Co, Mo, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni). Toxic microelements (Cd, Pb, Hg, As).

Anna Zavyalova, Head of the Sales Department of the "Geomir" Engineering Center, conducted a professional conversation on the following issues: "Selection of soil samples: Technique for sampling depending on soil type. Comparison of methods (manual/mechanical). Area selection. Fixing the geographical coordinates of the field on the computer (binding to the field). Separation of the total area of the field into equal parts, the imposition of coordinates. Preparation and registration of agrochemical charts. Route of movement of the car with the mounted rig».

Head of the Department of Geoinformation Technologies of the Federal State Budget Institution «The State Center for Agrochemical Service "Stavropol", Candidate of Agricultural Sciences A. Yu. Oleinikov highlighted the topics: "The correct mechanism for selecting the first and last samples (the distance between the points of selection). Depth of selection. Weight of the sample. Collection of soil samples in a special container. Combining the samples. Requirements and preparation of packaging labels for combined soil samples. Delivery and storage of samples in the laboratory (delivery time, storage temperature). What is not allowed when sampling. Frequent errors in sampling. Sampling: a practical point of view, examples of work. "

The practical part of the courses was devoted to solving problems, testing for residual knowledge and acquired skills. Associate Professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Physiology of Plants E. V. Golosnoy conducted an exercise to improve the practical skills of working with mobile automated complexes for the selection of soil samples based on the car Mitsubishi L200 and ATV Yamaha Grizzly. Associate Professor S. A. Korostylyov organized training on work in the agrochemical laboratory, preparation of samples for analysis, work with atomic adsorption spectrometry instruments, flame photometry and polarimetric methods of analysis.

The result of the two-day refresher courses was the delivery of the relevant certificates to specialists of the distribution network of the limited liability company EuroChemTrainingRus. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  7

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