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Every child should be happy!


On the World Children's Day students of the Accounting and Finance Department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University congratulated the Stavropol children.

It is from the younger generation, from the level of its education and culture, the future of any country depends, therefore, as much as possible attention should be paid to children. In this regard, members of the UN in 1954 decided to establish a festival dedicated to minor members of society.

World Children's Day, on the recommendation of the UN General Assembly, is celebrated annually throughout the world on November 20, beginning in 1956. Since then, on the Day of the Child, many organizations, foundations and companies carry out charitable actions, aimed at helping children in need. This day also serves to draw attention to the problems of children and to improve the laws that concern them.

Active students and teachers of the accounting and financial department visited the State Public Health Institution "Child's Home" and the State Special (Correctional) Educational Institution "Preschool Children's Home No.9" in Stavropol on November 20, arriving with gifts for the kids. To the management of children's institutions, they gave sweets for children, brand-new bicycles and sledges, personal hygiene products. In the courtyard, adults played with the kids in exciting games. No student of the faculty was indifferent, because it is not easy to see children growing up without parental warmth, who really should be happy!

Acting Chief Physician State Public Health Institution "Stavropol Specialized Child's Home for Children with Organic Affection of the Central Nervous System, with Mental Disorders" in Stavropol Irina Pavlovna Pleshkova and Director of the State Treasury Special (Correctional) Educational Institution "Pre-school Children's Home No.9" Stavropol Elena Pobeipech expressed gratitude to the Accounting and Finance Department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University for the attention and gifts transferred to pupils. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  5

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