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Realize your dreams, not strangers!


A business conference for the creative youth of the region opened a week of a young entrepreneur within the walls of an agricultural university. The event was organized by the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory and Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Entrepreneurship is the future!

On November 21 in the hall of the Academic Council of the Stavropol State Agrarian University gathered representatives of the most proactive students of universities and colleges of Stavropol.

The start of the business conference was announced by the director of the Institute of Additional Professional Education, PhD in Economics, Professor Olga Lisova:

- In carrying out the federal program "You are an entrepreneur" in the Stavropol Territory, for two months we conducted training courses on the programs "Business Start" and "Business Pros". Today's conference opens the Week of Entrepreneurship, which will go to the agricultural university all five working days.

Dmitry Sergeevich Donetsk, Head of the Youth Policy Department of the Territorial Ministry of Education, called on not to be afraid of the new, catch fire with an idea and open their own business of active and purposeful youth and girls.

"We are ready to teach and support you," the deputy minister said. And I assured that in the future, the program "You are an entrepreneur" will continue for many years, because the region needs to realize innovative ideas embodied in concrete products for the end user.

- The future of entrepreneurship! This shows the economy of all countries, - said Natalya Ilyinichna Mecenatova, head of the Economic Development Committee of the City of Stavropol, completing the introductory part of the conference.

Such meetings for start-up entrepreneurs, in her opinion, will avoid many mistakes and negative experiences. Natalia Ilinichna informed the youth about how the city's financial administration can support the most interesting business idea for the production and services sector and a worthy business plan. The subsidy of 200 thousand rubles is to open their own business, 300 thousand - for the next year. After successful two years of doing business, an entrepreneur has the right to apply to the Stavropol Regional Microfinance Fund for obtaining a soft loan.

The ship of business has set sail and we can not get ashore!

So, about the launch of the business conference, her moderator - the director of the partnership "Management consulting", the development and change consultant Boris Georgievich Zhogin announced about the rules of the forthcoming business marathon, brainstorming and presentation of projects on the improvised marketplace. In the future, he gave the floor to the bright "panelists", who during the discussion the guys literally fell asleep with unexpected questions.

The first speaker was the head of the business incubator programs of the FGAOU VO "National Research University" Higher School of Economics "Artem Kritsyn. Being the head of the working group on involving students in entrepreneurial activity under the Expert Council for the Development of Civic Education and Socialization of Students of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, Artem Alexandrovich urged young people to participate in any events dedicated to entrepreneurship. After giving concrete examples of starting a successful business, he made an important accent: "You can not underestimate a business game, for which allegedly nothing happens." It is these kinds of events that often become a starting point for young people who are inclined toward entrepreneurial success.

What gives entrepreneurs free resource - the portal Business Navigator SMEs, which operates in 171 cities of the Russian Federation, explained to the meeting participants the head of the staff of the Chairman of the Board of the Joint-Stock Company "Russian Bank for Support of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" (Moscow) Maxim Valeryevich Makarov.

The next speaker was talking about how an entrepreneurial vein is sought and nurtured in future farmers. On the experience of supporting youth entrepreneurship in the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the mechanisms for creating 53 small innovative enterprises in the university and their success stories, said Sergei Pavlovich Sklyarov, head of the department of research of students and scientific and technical creativity of the youth of the Agrarian University.

Today, more than 120 new high-tech jobs have been created here, with an average wage of more than 15,000 rubles. He noted that, for example, the Society with Limited Liability Scientific and Production Association "Agrokhimik", whose specialists are actively engaged in solving agricultural problems in the North Caucasus Federal District, including agro-chemical tests using modern sampling technologies with precise binding to the geographical point; remote sensing of the earth using ultra-light aircraft; development of new technologies of protected soil. The Scientific and Technical Center "Sayberkad" is engaged in the commercialization of engineering developments in the field of agricultural machinery development. The production partners of the center are such large enterprises of agricultural mechanical engineering of the Stavropol Territory as Open Joint-Stock Company Petrovskoye (Svetlograd) and Open Joint-Stock Company Agropromtehnika (Mikhailovsk), producing seeding and tillage machinery. The result of the cooperation is a developed seed drill with centralized seed dosing, and cultivators (row-wise water-saving KPVS-6 and KEMS-4 for continuous tillage). Another positive example of the creation and development of small innovative enterprises is the

Open Joint-Stock Company Research and Production Association "Regional Center for Veterinary Medicine", the monthly turnover of the company is more than 1.5 million rubles.

Director of the Open Joint-Stock Company Saytyk Scientific and Production Association, candidate of biological sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Pavel Anatoly Omelyanchuk, who shared his own experience in the production of the Hercina cosmetics line, well-known in the country, wished the students good luck in business. .

During the business conference, participants were questioned. Young people were invited to formulate their own idea of modern entrepreneurship as such and make a portrait of an entrepreneur by such criteria as: knowledge, values, skills and needs.

The audience was informed about the results of the survey by the candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the department "Entrepreneurship and the world economy" Alexander Vladimirovich Tenishchev. He said that the portrait of the entrepreneur through the eyes of the participants of the program reflects the universal values of the modern citizen of our country. The guys took the job very seriously and identified the following as professional qualities of the entrepreneur: discipline, perseverance, purposefulness, concentration, knowledge of demand, market and areas of application of their skills, self-esteem and self-improvement, talent, creativity, diligence, risk, self-realization.

At the end of the panel discussion, an active warm-up of future participants in the formation of entrepreneurial skills began in such areas as manufacturing, education and consulting, services, tourism. The tricky questions of the moderator on the opening, in the format of the game "What? Where? When? ", Woke up an" entrepreneurial "idea. Then the guys went to the "market square", where they defended their own projects. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  6

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