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We discussed the challenges of agricultural insurance


Students of the financial and economic faculties of the Stavropol State Agrarian University examined the subtleties of agricultural insurance, problems encountered by policyholders, and possible solutions to them.

On November 17, within the framework of the Student Insurance Agency, teachers of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance" jointly with Rosgosstrakh organized and conducted an actual lecture "Agricultural Insurance in Russia: Problems and Contradictions".

Students of the 1st and 3rd courses of the accounting and financial department of the profile "Finance and Credit", 2nd year students of the specialty "Economic Security" and 3rd year students of the economic faculty of the profiles "World Economy" and "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations" took part in the event.

The importance of this topic was first noted by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Julia E. Klishina. She recalled that only in recent decades the number of cases of hail and prolonged rain has increased, the probability of heat and drought has increased. Against this background, the demand for agro-insurance is growing all over the world. At the same time, in many countries with a developed agro-industrial complex, an insurance system with state support is effectively operating, which is carried out according to uniform standards for the country-unified rules, principles for settlement of losses.

The lecture was held with the invitation of Igor Evgenievich Drobyshev, Deputy Director for Corporate Insurance of the branch "Rosgosstrakh Insurance Company" in Stavropol Territory. Igor Evgenevich told the students in detail about the insurance of agricultural crops:

- The objectives of agricultural insurance can be two: either confidence in the future harvest (the ability to compensate for losses from the loss of crops), or the possibility of obtaining a loan from the bank, in this case the crop acts as collateral for the loan.

The lecturer also explained that agricultural insurance is of two types: with state support and commercial. They have many differences, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, the benefits of insurance with government support is to pay half of the cost of insurance policy costs by the state, which saves money to the farm, as well as uniform insurance rules for all insurance companies. An important shortcoming of agro-insurance with state support is that it is possible to insure in this way only serious risks, the list of which is limited. Igor Evgenevich drew attention to the fact that for any type of agricultural insurance it is necessary to study the rules of insurance.

During the lecture, the world experience of agricultural insurance was examined with the example of the USA and Canada, as well as the issues of the insurance market infrastructure. Special attention was paid to the problems of agricultural insurance in Russia and Stavropol Territory in particular, which arose in connection with the inclusion of costs for insurance of agricultural risks in the "single subsidy".

At the end of the event, the representative of the insurance company told the students about the features and benefits of working in the insurance business and invited the students to undergo training at the branch "Public Joint-Stock Insurance Company" Rosgosstrakh "in the Stavropol Territory. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  4

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