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"Business in social problem solving ": game as a step towards entrepreneurship


The second day of the Young Entrepreneur's Week at the Agrarian University, in which over 30 universities and colleges of the Stavropol region participate, was dedicated to the formation of skills of social entrepreneurship.

Forty-two students Stavropol universities and colleges, which in October received training on the educational program "Business Start", on November 22 met on the site of the Institute of additional professional education Stavropol State Agrarian University to compete in an exciting business game.

Her moderator was the head of programs of the business incubator of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (Moscow) Artem Kritsyn. The jury distinctive entrepreneurial competitions included teachers of the department of business and the global economy of the Stavropol State Agrarian University - Candidates of Economic Sciences, Associate Professors N.N. Telnova, A.R. Baycherova, S.S. Vaytsehovskaya, Yu. V. Orel, A. Tenischev.

Artyom Kritsyn is a member of the State Duma Committee for Education and Science of the Russian Federation. He heads a working group on involving students in entrepreneurial activities under the Expert Council for the Development of Civic Education and the Socialization of Students. Therefore, the first thing he hastened to inform the children that at present, the issue of granting academic leave to representatives of students in connection with the opening of their own business, participation in start-ups is being considered at the legislative level.

In fact, all the students present said that in the future they would like to open and run their own business. Then, as a warm-up they were offered to come up with an idea that is based on existing technologies, was not realized earlier and has the potential for scaling.

After "brainstorming" the participants of the game gave out unusual ideas one after another. Among the proposals that are useful for society: a special rest room, where every adult can "break into childhood", or mega-art sandbox, here from sand you can build whole sandy towns with infrastructure and residents. In addition to entertainment, the program "Social Friend" was offered, thanks to which in any life situation a needy person will be provided with timely assistance.

Then the creative guys broke up into teams, and "Time First", "Mini", "Girls and Co", "Generation" began to work - scissors, hands, head! Why? The competing "businessmen" were actually asked to create and skillfully sell ... "last year's snow". After all, they cut out snowflakes from paper and sold them in advance to "appointed" buyers, in whose role the jury members acted. The team that earned more money from the five rounds could win.

What was the catch? Buyers for the most part came across very picky, with intricate and even eccentric inquiries. All of them differently evaluated the beauty of each snowflake and accordingly assigned differently for it the price. The one who was able to understand his customers faster and better than others, provided the desired product - a snowflake with a center shifted, with an odd number of rays, with a hole, in the form of a shortbread and stars, for which they were willing to pay dearly, and won. "The team of the first" justified its name!

At the end of the game, all jury members on behalf of potential consumers gave really professional recommendations to entrepreneurs who should always hear the buyer's wishes. And of course, we wished success in the future of socially responsible business! 

Дата новости для фото:  24.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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