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At the ХХХIХ festival "Young talents of the State Agrarian University" freshmen-agrarians showed themselves in all creative beauty!


A record number of vocalists, dancers, acrobats, masters of the artistic word took the main scene of the region. A bright, unforgettable show was shown by 700 talented students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Agrarian knows how to win!

On November 24, the long-awaited event of the outgoing year took place - the most important creative report of freshmen. According to the old university tradition, newcomers-agrarians prepare their own multi-hour gala concert "Young talents of SSAU" during the first months of their studies and demonstrate their skills immediately on the biggest stage of the regional center - the Stavropol Palace of Culture and Sports. And it does not matter that for an absolute majority of young people such a creative scope will become a debut, and not a benefit. The first creative height before the one and a half thousandth hall - teachers, students, parents will be taken! It's not for nothing that the Agrarian University has such a huge number of studios in the Center for Aesthetic Education of Students.

The ХХХIХ festival of creative youth of the State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering started with a video broadcast fragment of the presentation by the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev of the main Russian quality award for 2017 - to the leadership of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. With this truly historic event (the award was won by the university for the third time!) Rector Vladimir Trukhachev congratulated and thanked the entire university team for the titanic work.

Elena Tumoyan, Deputy Minister of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory, noted that for the first time in the region the Rector of the University, represented by the Academician of the RAS V. I. Truhachev, was included in the Council of the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education. To congratulations on significant events, the director of Gymnasium No. 24 in Stavropol, named after Lieutenant-General of Justice M. Yadrov, Alexander Budyak, and the director of Gymnasium No. 25, Elena Lagutina, joined in.

Talents are to them

"Friendship has no nationalities" - the so-called first block of the evening's program, which began with the legendary "Song of the Motherland" (V. Lebedev-Kumach and I. Dunaevsky). "My country is wide-ranging ..." was performed by the student choir of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources. "Kari ochi" in Ukrainian sang Pavlenko Anastasia and Oksana, they came to study at the Stavropol Agrouniversity from the Republic of Crimea. The twirled "Merry Crossing" continued smooth and incendiary Avar and Mountain dances, ensembles "Lel" and "Sudarushka" liberated the audience with Russian folk and Cossack songs. And then somehow miraculously united a stunning patriotic flash mob together, and there was no difference what nationality the artist was.

The student theater of shadows (faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management) reminded the audience about the main moments of life. "All important phrases" in verse was said by Victoria Starovoitova (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources). Margarita Ignatchenko sang "Song about me". "Eternal Love" in French and Russian was magnificently performed by Vladislav Rasskazov, together with the collective "Renaissance" (Accounting and Finance Department). The theme of trembling love was continued by the wonderful acrobatic couple from the show project "Millennium" (Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization), and then the Hall won the soulful performance of "Lanfren-Lanfra" by the vocal duet of Ali Abdulaev and Marina Baranova (faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture ).

In fact, there were many more bright creative numbers. And the sincere atmosphere of the evening created by the talents of the first-year students of the Stavropol State University became a kind of prologue before the solemn ceremony of the best students-agrarians of 2017.

To the achievements of the year went together

Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory, Hero of Labor of Stavropol, Honorary citizen of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachevs proud of the students and the team reported on the main victorious milestones of the Agrarian University in the outgoing year.

Among such achievements is the highest, platinum, level of recognition of Excellence (more than 700 points) in the Global Excellence Index (EFQM Global Excellence Index) project, which the university received from 426 educational organizations of the world.

96 registered scholarship holders of SSAU were nominated for 2017 (scholarship holders of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Stavropol Territory, the V. Potanin Foundation, the Academic Council of the University, the head of the city of Stavropol). And this is the highest figure among the agrarian universities in Russia! The three young scientists of the university - graduate students Svetlana Sevostyanova (economic faculty) and Victoria Svetlichnaya (accounting and finance faculty), graduate student Tatyana Denisenko (faculty of veterinary medicine) were awarded with the "Award of 2020" in science, innovation and initiatives.

For the fourth year students of the Stavropol State University have been maintaining high positions in winning the Russian National Prize "Student of the Year". In 2017, five students won the regional stage - Kuliyeva Inna (4th year, Accounting and Finance Faculty), Elena Kastarnova (5th year, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine), Gayvoronskaya Anna (Master of Accounting and Finance), Elena Khomutova (4th year, Economics Faculty). A student of the 4th year of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Anuprienko Maxim won the title of laureate of the Russian National Prize "Student of the Year - 2017" in the nomination "Student Leader of the Year"!

The fourth-year student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Maxim Korolyov, who was leading the WorldSkills Russia-2017 (under the competence of "Prototyping"), and the fourth-best student in the country (in the competence of "Hotel Administration"), Cultural Service and Tourism Faculty Anastasia Belmasova.

Five winners of the North Caucasus Forum "Mashuk-2017" became grantees of the prize fund of 300 thousand rubles. They are: I.Devederkin, the assistant of the department of electric power in agriculture of the Electric Power Faculty; 4th year students - Elena Khomutova, Islam Yahyaev (Economics Faculty), Victoria Kopytina (Accounting and Finance Faculty); 2-year student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Yulia Kuzminova.

Students of SSAU have a residence in Skolkovo, won 10 federal contests "UMNIK", won the All-Russian intellectual game "The Beginner Farmer" for the 4th consecutive year. The KVN team of the Stavropol SAU is the champions of the KVN festival in Novocherkassk and the bronze medalists of the "Caucasus" league.

The student team of women's volleyball team - the winners of the championship of the Stavropol Territory (2 nd place). At the All-Russian tournament - Volleyball Cup in memory of Sergei Spiridonovich Serikov, famous coach of the Stavropol Territory, more than 20 years worked as a senior teacher of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the university - the team took the 1 st place. The women's team of SSAU in basketball is the winner of the championship of the Student Basketball Association of the NCFD Division.

The audience applauded the famous sportsmen. The masters of sports - the student of the electric power faculty Yakov Avdeev, who in 2017 took gold and silver of the XIX world championship in archer shooting, rose to the stage; the absolute champion of the Israel Open Powerlifting Championships - 2017 Nikolai Korshunov, master of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources; champion of the All-Russia hand-to-hand fighting tournament Julia Kolesnichenko, a student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture; master of sports in sambo and judo, two-time silver medalist of the European Championships Tatyana Zadorozhnaya, a student of the Economics Faculty.

Rector V. I. Truhachev noted that twice a year, following the results of sessions, the university pays increased scholarships to outstanding students in the categories: studies, science, public, cultural and creative, sports activities. At the end of 2017, scholarships were paid to 429 students for a total of 12 million 972 thousand rubles. (non-recurring payments amounted to 25 to 51 thousand rubles per student).

21 students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University were awarded a commemorative high school medal "Glory and pride of the Agrarian University". For special achievements in studying with a paid form of training for education at the expense of the federal budget, five students were transferred by the rector's order: E. Ladynskaya and V. Gasinets (4th year students, Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture), D. Davydov (3 year, Electric Power faculty) , E. Tarnakin (4 year, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine), R. Magomedov (3 year, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization).

A gift to the participants of the festival will be the two scholarships promised by the rector to everyone, and one and a half million rubles for new stage costumes.

The finale of "Young Talents" crowned the song "We were taught to be birds", which all 700 participants sang together. And a lot of warm rays from the lanterns from the hall, swinging in time with the music, became a spectatorial note for all the freshmen of the Agrarian University for the coming years of their creative mastery! 

Дата новости для фото:  27.11.2017
Номер новости для фото:  16

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