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"Agriki" took "silver"


On November 23, the game of the Student League of the Stavropol Intellectual City Club "I Know!" was held in the North Caucasus Federal University.

The teams of higher education institutions and local schools of the regional center took part in the competitions: Stavropol State Agrarian University, NCFU, StSMU, TIS, IFNC. The Agrarian University was represented by two teams: a team of all faculties "Agrica" and a young team of two faculties - agrobiology and land resources and the ecology and landscape architecture of AiF.

The children solved difficult intellectual tasks. In the final battle, the strongest teams of the participants of the game met, one of them was the team "Agrica", who won in the tense struggle in honorable 2 nd place. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.12.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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