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Winners of the first National Intercollegiate Championship Young Professionals were congratulated on the Academic Council of the Stavropol GAU


Three students of the Agricultural University won medals of the National Championship WorldSkills Russia on competences "Prototyping" and "Hotel Administration".

University competitions for professional skills is the third championship in a direction that develops WorldSkills Russia. In the inventive competition was attended by more than 430 participants and the same number of experts from 83 Russian universities for 36 competencies. The team of Stavropol State Agrarian University, consisting of 12 people (participants and experts) competed competition and competence "Hotel Administration", "Prototyping", "Business" and "Tourism".

The result of two days of competition at the site of the 75-th pavilion was awarded a set of 96 gold, silver and bronze medals. The team of the Stavropol GAU brought three medals of different advantage. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.12.2017
Номер новости для фото:  8

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