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Students’ working teams of Stavropol GAU are the best in the country!


Students working teams SSAU "Masterok" and the mechanized detachment "Kolos" became winners of the contest of students working teams  the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Awards of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, commanders of the best student teams of agricultural universities, who arrived in Moscow from 45 regions of the country, were presented by Ivan Lebedev. On December, 5 Deputy Minister of agriculture of Russia welcomed the participants of the XI all-Russian meeting of student's specialized teams of the universities of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation. "Today, students of agricultural universities, rural youth are actively engaged in activities and projects aimed at promoting and enhancing the attractiveness of rural life, for which I Express my deep gratitude," – said Ivan Lebedev to the teams and wished  creative success and new achievements.

Дата новости для фото:  07.12.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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