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"Who does not know foreign languages does not know his own"


The students of the Agrarian University, gathered on Decemberб 6 at University for the first International Olympiad on Foreign Languages.

It was organized by the teachers of the Department of foreign languages and intercultural communication at the faculty of social hospitality and tourism. To compete for the title of winner has decided not only to students of this faculty also joined the representatives of the students of economic and accounting and Finance faculties.

For the first time the Olympics gained international status due to the participation of foreign students of the Preparatory Department of the Institute of additional professional education of SSAU, who came from the Middle East and Europe. As for the students of agricultural institutes, in the opinion of the faculty, the Olympics not only gives the opportunity to test their knowledge in foreign languages, but also helps improve conversational skills when meeting and communicating with foreign students. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.12.2017
Номер новости для фото:  4

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