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"Co-action" is the first intellectual game on the day of the volunteer


The representatives of the volunteer groups SSAU on December, 5 held an intellectual game, which was attended by teams of volunteer groups – "TOLK" "Zabota," "Volunteer".

Each group presented two teams with total points of participation which made the overall result of the volunteer team in the game.

Intellectual game "Co-action" consisted of three rounds and intellectual homework – business card team.

In the 1st round the participants had to answer questions related to the history of the development of volunteer movements, volunteer activities and not legislative basis. In the 2nd round – "100 to 1" – you had to guess the options are the most popular responses of students to questions about the problems of the region and charitable activities. The third round became one of the most complicated: each pair of teams was announced, the problem and the captains were required to find the right solution.

Дата новости для фото:  08.12.2017
Номер новости для фото:  3

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