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Journey to the fascinating world of finance history


Teachers of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance" together with the students of the third year of Accounting and Finance Department conducted a quiz "History of Finance of Russia".

In the interactive quiz, held on December 5, the students took part in the preparation of Economics (Finance and Credit), which competed in the six teams organized by preliminary draw.

The quiz consisted of five rounds: "Warm-up for lucky ones", "Truth or lie", "Historical pictures", "Chronological chains", "Historical crocodile".

The results of the tours were submitted by a competent jury. It included: candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department "Finance, credit and insurance business" Klishina Julia Evgenievna; student of the third year of accounting and financial faculty Esaulko Konstantin; the chairman of the jury was the head of the consolidated economic department of the Stavropol Branch of the Southern Office of the Bank of Russia Yurkina Elena Viktorovna.

The game was held in a friendly atmosphere, the teams showed themselves on the best side, and until the last round it was impossible to determine an obvious leader. The struggle unfolded at the "Historical Crocodile" stage, where the teams were invited, with the help of words, facial expressions and gestures, to explain various terms in the "History of Finance". This round and brought in treasures of the team treasured points. With a margin of one point, the victory was won by the team number 6: Brynza Irina, Zabolotsky Maxim, Garmash Elena, Strelnikova Anastasia, Kuznetsova Anastasia, Magomedova Elvira. All participants of the winning team were awarded valuable gifts.

At the end of the quiz with a response word to the participants turned E. V. Yurkina. She noted the high level of theoretical preparation, the activity of students and the relevance of the discipline "History of Finance" in the framework of increasing financial literacy of students. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.12.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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