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Constitution Day of the Russian Federation!


Dear teachers, graduate students, employees, students, graduates!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation!

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the most important, the main document, thanks to which we proudly call ourselves Russians.

It is the Constitution that is the core of the entire legal system of Russia, ensures the political, economic and social integrity of our great homeland, guarantees rights and freedoms to its multinational people. From strict adherence to the main law of the country of each of us, civil peace and harmony in society as a whole, stability and prosperity of the whole progressive state of law depend.

On the festive Constitution Day of the Russian Federation I wholeheartedly wish you peace, happiness, good, success in studies and creative work, great achievements for the good of the Fatherland and native Stavropol Territory!

Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai,

Hero of Labor of Stavropol, Honorary Citizen of

Stavropol Krai

V. I. Trukhachev 

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