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Medal harvest of weightlifters of the Agrarian University


December 8-9 at the birthplace of the Olympic champion Andrei Chemerkin - in the village. Solnechnodolsk, there was another draw of the Cup of Stavropol Region in weightlifting.

The Cup annually gathers the strongest athletes of the region. Competitions are held both in personal and team classification. This time they were attended by more than 80 athletes from 8 cities and districts of the province.

Students of the Agrarian University took 2nd command place. In the individual competition, the winners and prizewinners were:

- in the weight category up to 69 kg - Yarovoy Fedor, first-year student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, - III place;

- in the weight category up to 85 kg - Tolstukhov Vyacheslav, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Farm Mechanization, - III place;

The winner in the weight category up to 94 kg was Kalashnikov Danila, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture.

On good results, we congratulate all the guys and their coach - the coach of the team Evgeny Nesmiyanov!

For reference:

Weightlifters of SSAU are true to the sports traditions of the university, which were laid in the 1990s, when students of the agricultural institute won tournaments of national and international level.

The modern weightlifting hall of Stavropol State Agrarian University is a unique specialized site, where all the nuances for athletes are provided. The created conditions allow the agrarians to prepare thoroughly for the competitions, as evidenced by their current victories. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.12.2017
Номер новости для фото:  3

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