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Small and medium business - the basis of economic growth of Stavropol Territory


Elena Kilpa, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Stavropol Territory, met with students of the Accounting, Finance and Economics Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Organized on the initiative of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance, the meeting was held on December 19 in the format of an open lecture. The theme was "Development of the economic and tax policy of Stavropol Territory." Much of the information offered to students was devoted to the areas of state support for small and medium-sized businesses in the region and caused numerous questions from students.

At the beginning of her speech Elena Kilpa praised the activities of Stavropol State Agrarian University, calling it one of the best in the country. And there is no doubt that the educational approaches applied at the university ensure the training of highly qualified specialists.

Further, E. Kilpa noted a number of important points concerning the economic development of the region, as well as measures of state stimulation of small and medium-sized businesses.

So, in 2016 in Stavropol Territory production of products (services) was carried out by more than 113,3 thousand subjects of small and medium-sized businesses. The total turnover of products (services) of small and medium-sized businesses of Stavropol amounted to 562 billion rubles. During 2016, the Government of Stavropol Territory used a variety of forms of state support for small and medium-sized businesses. The State Unitary Enterprise of Stavropol Territory "The Guarantee Fund for the Support of Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurs in Stavropol Territory" in 2016 provided guarantees to 66 small and medium-sized businesses for a total of 759 million rubles, which additionally attracted 1680 rubles of credit resources to the economy of Stavropol Territory.

The non-profit organization "Microfinance Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises in Stavropol Territory" in 2016 issued 506 micro-loans to small and medium-sized businesses for a total of 469 million rubles under the minimum percentage. In 2016, at the expense of the federal budget and the budget of Stavropol Territory, subsidies were provided to reimburse a part of the costs to 32 small and medium-sized businesses engaged in socially-oriented activities.

The Center for Coordination of Support to Export-oriented Entrepreneurship Entities of the non-profit organization "Entrepreneurship Support Fund in Stavropol Territory" in 2016 rendered practical assistance in concluding 36 foreign trade contracts with the countries of near and far abroad for a total amount of about $ 8.95 million. The subject of export contracts were agricultural and chemical products, equipment for video surveillance and access control, mineral water, oil refining equipment.

In 2016, the Foundation for the Promotion of Innovative Development of Stavropol Territory, whose structural units are the Center for Engineering and the Center for Cluster Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, provided more than 900 services for the development of 650 small and medium-sized businesses.

In 2017, the first in the region children's technopark was opened in the city of Mikhailovsk. "Quantorium" is a joint project of the federal government, the regional one and business. Children from 7 to 14 years here will be free to study in six areas: Roboquantum, bioquantum, geoquantum, IT-quantum, energy-quantum and HI-tech workshop. The educational course lasts two years. The contest of those wishing to study in the "Quantorium" is rather big - three people per seat.

Students asked E. Kilpa the most diverse questions. They asked about the investment climate in the region, about the development of the economy, they asked to share the secret of professional success. In the opinion of the teachers-organizers, this open lecture continued the tradition of very useful meetings of heads of the executive bodies of Stavropol Territory with students of Stavropol State Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.12.2017 09:25:00
Номер новости для фото:  2

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