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Remember the history: to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Stavropol from the Nazi invaders


On the initiative of the Chairman of the Regional Council of Stavropol Territory Public Organization of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Bodies A. A. Gonochenko, the Agrarian University hosted a round table devoted to an important historical date.

In the patriotic event on December 19, students and teachers of Stavropol State Agrarian University, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, workers of the rear, veterans of labor participated. Among them there were the chairman of Stavropol City Council of Veterans of War and Labor, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Kuralesov Petr Ivanovich; veterans of the Great Patriotic War Bezhanova Julietta Georgievna, Khrapach Ivan Fedorovich, Buchkov Nikolai Andreevich; veteran of the Armed Forces of Russia, retired Major General, former military commissar of Stavropol Territory Maryin Valentin Vasilievich.

Leader of the round table, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of SSAU Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzinin gave the first speech to Alexei Alekseevich Gonochenko, who spoke about the great suffering and human sacrifice of the inhabitants of the regional center during the six months of German occupation of Stavropol (at that time the city of Voroshilovsk).

He noted that Stavropol people greeted their liberators with great joy on January 21, 1943. The offensive of the Soviet Army was so powerful that on Nov. 24 Novoaleksandrovsky and Krasnogvardeisky districts were liberated, and the fascist invaders were very eager to leave the Stavropol Territory without accepting a battle.

None of those who live in peacetime should forget that since August 18, 1942, all the Jewish population of the city, including children and the elderly, was destroyed by the Hitlerites. At the same time, Soviet activists and members of their families were killed. The executed were buried in pits at the airport, in the city park, in the courtyard of the Gestapo ... After the liberation of Stavropol, 1742 corpses were found - tortured and brutally murdered townspeople, victims of the German-fascist occupation.

The students listened with great attention to the speech of Bezhanova Juliette Georgievna. Most recently, the veteran of the Great Patriotic War met its 95th birthday and, despite her age, is full of optimism and is ready to pass on the sacred historical memory of the hard days of the war to modern youth. By the way, Julietta Georgievna served in the Soviet and Russian army for 65 years, retired from its ranks in 2006 at the age of 84 years (!) in the rank of captain.

Interestingly, with a great emotional patriotic fervor, speeches were made by the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Colonel-General Kuralesov Petr Ivanovich and retired Major-General Maryin Valentin Vasilievich.

During the roundtable, a logical transition occurred in speeches from representatives of the generation of winners in the Great Patriotic War to those who in our time are striving to continue their heroic cause. Second-year students Goncharovskaya Ksenia (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources) and Kolomysova Natalia (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) in their speeches gave vivid examples and episodes of decent behavior of residents of Stavropol during the occupation and heroic participation of teachers and students of the Agricultural Institute in the Great Patriotic War. The director of the Museum of history of SSAU Olga N. Shmatko told about the diverse patriotic work among the students of the agrarian university, pupils of schools and colleges of the region held within the walls of the university museum, designed to form historical memory in the minds of young.

At the end of the patriotic round table there sounded famous songs that did not leave indifferent all those who love their Fatherland. To guests and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, future farmers handed flowers and gifts. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.12.2017 11:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  2

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