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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!


Congratulation of the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory, Hero of Labor of Stavropol, Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory

Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev

I congratulate you with all one's heart on the upcoming New Year and Christmas!

To ensure that the outgoing year for Stavropol State Agrarian University was successful and fruitful, we all worked tirelessly, realizing that success in the present is the basis of the future. But the new, in 2018, the collective of the Order-bearing Stavropol State Agrarian University will meet in a unique status. Our university became the owner of the Russian Government's Quality Prize three times - the only university and the only organization in Russia!

Striving to become a driver of the development of the region and a center for the generation of modern research, the university was given the right to act as the University Center for Innovative, Technological and Social Development of the Stavropol Territory.

Reaffirming its commitment to a constant movement forward and compliance with world standards, the Stavropol State Agrarian University has reached an unprecedented «platinum» altitude - the highest level of recognition of Excellence in the project "Global Index of Excellence" of the European Foundation for Quality Management. We managed to rise not only in domestic, but also international ratings, and also to consolidate the most important position - the most demanded agrarian high school in Russia! Achievements of our university we adequately presented in the Federation Council at the exhibition of the Days of the Stavropol Territory.

We do not expect changes, but create changes ourselves! Within the walls of the Agrarian University, many important events and projects were launched - the International Investment Forum "AgroYug", "Youth of the ONF Stavropol Territory". Students and teachers joined the «Worldskills Russia» movement and became its vanguard, gathered a medal harvest of national, open industry and university championships of young professionals, demonstrated flexibility of mind, creativity and skill. The victories of young and authoritative agricultural scientists, volunteers and volunteers, creative and sports successes of the students brought powerful energy for the dynamic development of the alma mater.

Participants of the All-Russian game "The Beginning Farmer", the Prizes of the Stavropol Territory were honored with professors Alexander Esaulko and Vladimir Orobets for the 4 th time on the pedestal. In 2017 the Stavropol State University became the owner of the Grand Prix "Agrorus" three times for achievements in the field of science and innovation, where scientific developments of scientists from the Stavropol State Agrarian University were awarded with 8 gold and silver medals.

The future, 2018, was announced by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin as the Year of Volunteer and Volunteer. And I am proud that in our university there are real patriotic leaders who care about the fate of the Motherland and their native land. Here the "Hot Heart" of Inna Kuliyeva is beating, the "Golden Bird" Veronica Serikova is taking off - the winners of prestigious state and public awards, along with the agrarian youth, one of the best student leaders of the country Maxim Anuprienko, laureate of the Russian national award "Student of the Year - 2017".

For high achievements in public and creative activity, 9 students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became scholars of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory, four - scholarship holders of the administration of the city of Stavropol, and four students - holders of the regional youth "Award 2020" in the field of science, innovation and initiatives. More than 750 awards of various values for innovative developments were won by the Agrarian University team at 110 international, all-Russian and regional exhibitions.

Ahead of us - ambitious tasks, breakthrough solutions, new frontiers! And let further any difficulties of time will be overcome and even more rally our many thousands of people, opening reserves for dynamic development.

Let the families of each of you reigns good, prosperity and hope! Health, blue sky, bright sun, love, smiles and good luck!

Peace and prosperity of our great Motherland - Russia!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! 

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