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With a festive mood - in the New, 2018!


At the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, a traditional New Year celebratory concert was held.

The concert program was opened by the Vice-Rector for educational and upbringing work of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor IV Atanov and Dean of the Faculties, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. N. Esaulko. They congratulated all those present on the coming New Year, 2018, wished good luck and creative successes to employees and easy delivery of the session to all students. To warm and heartfelt congratulations the teachers - doctors of sciences, professors Tskhovrebov VS, Shutko AP, Vlasova OI; Candidates of Science, associate professors Romanenko Ye. S., Okrut S. V. and Loshakov A. V.

New Year mood in the hall reigned during the whole concert.

The festive atmosphere was created by traditional characters, without which every New Year's skit can not do – it's Father Frost and Snow Maiden, as well as the symbol of the upcoming 2018 – a nice kind dog, promising only good in the new year. The collective of sport dance "Vertical", Tatyana Khutornaya, Heliyeva Regina, Lukidi Elizabeth, the ensemble of the Cossack song "Lel", the dancing collective "Daria", the vocal studio "Joyce", the KVN team "The very guys" and other talented people congratulated the audience with their creative numbers. students.

All present in the hall received a charge of excellent mood for the upcoming holidays!

Дата новости для фото:  29.12.2017 15:54:19
Номер новости для фото:  1

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