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Knowledge in the field of management and research potential was demonstrated by students of the Agrarian University


The results of participation in the International competition of projects "Interclover-2017" confirmed the level of scientific search conducted by the students of the Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol State Agrarian University of Management in the direction of "Management" training.

Students of the economic faculty once again demonstrated their scientific and research potential by participating and winning the International Project Contest held by NOO "Professional Science" (Nizhny Novgorod).

The purpose of this competition is to develop scientific potential and stimulate research work among students of secondary schools, university students, undergraduates and graduate students by forming research skills, as well as strengthening educational and scientific ties between young scientists within the framework of individual scientific directions. Criteria for competitive research were originality, relevance and novelty, completeness and degree of development of the research topic, the theoretical and practical significance of projects.

As a result of the diploma of the 1st degree in the nomination "Practical project" students of the economic faculty of the State Agrarian University were awarded with projects that reflected their profound practical skills. So, Victoria Mesharova prepared a project to open a training center, Svetlana Bayramukova - a project to create a school of foreign languages. The project for the opening of the retail outlet Alina Besedina was awarded a diploma of the II degree. The management of the project activities of all three students was carried out by the associate professor of the Department "Management" S.V.  Lyovushkin. A diploma of the third degree was awarded to Margarita Liutova, who presented the work on modeling methods in making managerial decisions (the head is the senior teacher of the Department "Management" O.S. Zvyagintseva).

Alexey Manuilov was awarded with the Diploma of the 1st degree in the nomination "Research Project", he prepared a scientific article "Discrimination in the labor market" under the guidance of the doctor of economic sciences, professor of the department "Management" A. N. Baydakov. The diploma of II degree was awarded to Dmitry Shevyakov for the scientific article "Peculiarities of motivation and stimulation of labor activity", performed under the guidance of the senior lecturer of the Chair "Management" L.I. Chernikova. Alevtina Shchegoleva (head - O. S. Zvyagintseva) was awarded a diploma of the third degree for the scientific article "Essence and content of time management". Laureates in this nomination became Yu. Galayan (head - the senior teacher of the chair "Management" MVKorshikov); A. Konareva (head - S. V. Lyovushkina); D. Nazarova (head - O. S. Zvyagintseva); A. Tsokol (the head - the senior teacher of chair "Management" D.S.Kenin).

The authors of the presented scientific works demonstrated deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of production and project management, personnel management, which is a necessary condition for the formation of professional competencies.

Дата новости для фото:  10.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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