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Agroproduction of the future will be changed by biotechnology


A set of measures aimed at studying advanced methods of biotechnology and their application in modern agricultural production was held for students of the 4th course of the department «Agronomy».

Today, biotechnology is one of the most promising areas for studying the possibilities of using living organisms including the agricultural sector.

Within the framework of studying the discipline «Agricultural Biotechnology» for future agronomists under the leadership of associate professors Yu. A. Bezgina, L.V. Maznitsyna and N.N. Glazunova, were organized round tables «Methods of Biotechnology in Plant Breeding and Achievement of Breeders» and «Biotechnology and Biosafety: the impact of GMOs on the environment, standardization, government regulation».

During the events the students voiced reports illustrated with bright and informative presentations, which talked about the main risk factors for genetic engineering activities for human health, the reduction of biodiversity as a result of changes in natural biocenoses, and biotechnological methods of breeding for resistance to pests and diseases of crops and obtaining genetically modified plants.

By tradition, the children also presented their own projects on the topic «The Future of Genetic Engineering». They presented their vision of the development of this direction in the form of drawings, presentations and hand-made articles. Future agronomists noted the possibility of obtaining genetically modified plants, which can be used in agricultural and ornamental plant growing, livestock and medicine. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.01.2018 17:39:02
Номер новости для фото:  1

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