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Diploma students of the "Horizons of Science" student competition


Students of the accounting and financial department of the State University of Civil Aviation have distinguished themselves by participating in the 2nd All-Russian competition of diploma, coursework and abstract papers.

The organizer of a special student competition of the all-Russian scale was the Interregional Public Organization "Academy for the Development of Project Activities in Education" (Moscow).

According to the results of the 2nd All-Russian student's competition "Horizons of Science", a diploma of the second degree was awarded for the course work of Kristina Litvinets on the subject "Accounting policy, its significance and development procedure for fiscal and tax accounting purposes using the example of the collective farm" Rus "of the Sovetskiy District.

The diploma of the third degree was awarded to Elena Fedotova, who prepared a course work on the topic "Accounting of the costs of the organization on the example of SUE"Road Maintaince and Construction Department of Budennovsk".

Both participants competed in the competitive nomination "University Students" under the guidance of the candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department "Accounting Financial Accounting" Alexander V. Frolov. For the successes of the students - the winners of the contest, the indifferent, responsible civil position in the training of qualified personnel for the needs of the Russian economy, the teacher of the accounting and financial department of the Stavropol State University was awarded the Letter of Gratitude from the Academy for the Development of Project Activities in Education.


For reference:

At the very end of 2017, two teaching aids of the teachers of the accounting and financial department of the State Agrarian University, published under the editorship of the dean, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Elena I. Kostyukova, "Accounting and Analysis" and "Accounting Management Accounting" became winners of the fourth book prize "Gold Fund", established by the publishing house "KnoRus" (Moscow). These allowances are marked as the best in the category "Recognized quotation leader".

Дата новости для фото:  12.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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