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The future agrarians will take part in the work of the Stavropol City Duma


Six students-activists from the Agrarian University became the members of the Youth Chamber affiliated with the Stavropol City Duma.
January 12, 2018 Youth Chamber of the Stavropol City Duma was founded. Thirty creative and enterprising young people showed their willingness to seek and offer solutions to the youth problems in the regional center. By the way, the selection of candidates was led by a special commission chaired by Speaker Georgy Kolyagin. According to him, young people came to the Duma are very smart and aimed at fruitful work and implementation of the projects for the regional center development.

Four active representatives of the accounting and finance department, one student of the faculty of veterinary medicine and a student of cultural services and tourism department of the State Agrarian University are among these socially responsible students.

So, for example, a third year student of the accounting and finance department Marzabekova Diana is a deputy head of the Volunteer Detachment "Volunteer", heads the commission for the students’ leisure of SSAU. As an active participant of the student financial group "Financier", Diana was awarded a medal for her contribution to the development of volunteerism in the Caucasus.

In 2017 her classmate Ksenia Nazarova became the finalist of the All-Russian contest of socially responsible girls "Miss Youth", laureate of the All-Russian national award "Poet of the Year". As a journalist-interviewer, Ksenia works in the city media agency "Tomorrow Will Be Saturday", and in her native university she has initiated a literary club "The World inside the Word."

A fourth year student, Yana Nikonova, is a scholarship holder of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Academic Council of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Yana is the head of the Student Council of the Finance and Accounting Department and the Student Center for Patriotic Education "Patriot"; She became the winner of the regional stage of the Russian national award "Student of the Year - 2016" in the nomination "Volunteer of the Year", won in the All-Russian intellectual game "The Beginner Farmer-2017" and in the contest "The Best Good Deed of Stavropol" in the military-patriotic education of youth.

A third-year student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Sergei Nogin is the leader of the student specialized detachment "Aibolit", the head of the corps of tutors of SSAU. Sergey also heads the Stavropol regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "Young Guard of United Russia".

A third-year student of the accounting and finance department Vladimir Avakyan is his deputy in the Young Guard of United Russia. Vladimir won in the "Beginner Farmer", in the grant project of 2016 "You are an entrepreneur", in the league of the Stavropol City Intellectual Club "I Know!" season 2016/2017. In many mass events, the student has repeatedly manifested himself creatively, so in 2017 he was appointed as an art director of the regional camp of the leaders of the student government "Leader of the 21st century."

Maria Sheveleva, a student of the 3rd year, an activist of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, also joined the team.

In the third decade of January, the first meeting of the Youth Chamber will take place, during which the chairman and his deputy will be elected, commissions will be set up in different areas of activity.

To all the students of the SSAU, who are members of the new Youth Chamber of the Stavropol City Council, we wish productive work, achievements and success in the new field in the best interests of your native city! Show yourself brightly and creatively! 

Дата новости для фото:  15.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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