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About the chosen profession and practice in the Winter Academy of Animal Husbandry


Impressions are shared by the

Anna Brykova, 4th year student of the faculty of veterinary medicine of the Stavropol State University shares her impressions:

I have made the right choice

"From early childhood, I enjoyed talking with animals," Anna Brykova began our conversation. - The desire to help and listen to them was always very natural; I probably wanted to become a veterinarian since childhood. Of course, at this age the very idea of the profession was hardly formed, but I already knew that I want to be useful to someone. With great pleasure, for example, I dragged home the cats found to "rehabilitation." My parents were horrified, I'm happy.

Years passed, I graduated from school in the city of Mineralnye Vody ... But as an alternative to the veterinary specialty did not happen, I applied to the veterinary departments of different universities. I entered the State Agrarian University, and I did not regret, now I'm already at the 4th year of the faculty of veterinary medicine.

Intensive course in “EkoNiva-APK Holding” is useful and important

"Despite the fact that I grew up in the countryside, I did not have the skills to interact with cattle - feeding, nursing," the student confesses. - All my competence about cows was reduced to the use of ready-made cottage cheese, cream and milk. In the university I have opportunities to catch up ...

On the 4th course Anna got a chance not only to get practical experience, but also to study the work of the dairy from the inside:

- Holding "Eco-Niva" cooperates with agrarian universities of Russia, including Stavropol State University. “EkoNiva-APK Holding” LLC is the leader in milk production in Russia and Europe. I was able to see the mechanism of its functioning already as a future specialist - in the long term an employee of a dairy complex.

Anna Brykova said that at the enterprises of the“EkoNiva-APK Holding” were livestock of Simmental, Schwick, Holstein and red-motley breeds. Young animals grow in the fresh air, in individual and group houses. Particular attention is paid to the quality and composition of feed. Normalized and balanced rations for animals are made taking into account the productivity and their physiological state.

Milking is performed in halls like "Christmas tree", "Parallel", "Carousel" and in robotic milking boxes. All milking parlors are equipped with cooling equipment. Herd management is carried out with the help of the Dairy Plan program, which allows conducting of the total control of the livestock population. Specialists of livestock enterprises regularly improve their qualifications: they are trained in livestock enterprises of Germany and Russia, visit the largest domestic and foreign exhibitions.

- How did you manage to get to the holding company? I applied for the "Winter Academy of Animal Breeding" competition. This is a 4-day intensive, consisting of lecture and practical part of the work in the dairy farm, - explained Anna. - I got a call, as did the other students who submitted the application, and asked questions about cattle to assess my level of knowledge. And then I went to Voronezh, where EkoNiva collected 14 more students from all over Russia.

As a result, I got a clear idea of what the schedule of the future professional life could be like, the pros and cons of working at such an enterprise became clear.

Use all opportunities and raise your own level!

"It was a really cool experience, which, of course, I would not have found if I went to practice in an ordinary household," says Anna Brykova, - "Eco-Niva" is a company with a name and ambitions”.

They are waiting professionals with burning eyes, who value and love their work. And “EkoNiva” trains precisely this way, they light the fire in youth, giving opportunities and experience, a part of which I managed to acquire and take with me. Visit dairy complexes, see the mechanism of operation of such an enterprise and the specialists who manage it; to assess the scale and value of working with dairy cattle; to get acquainted with the basic principles of relation to animals, and, as a consequence, to the business that you are engaged in - all this is extremely important!

I am really grateful to the leadership of my faculty headed by Valentin Sergeyevich Skripkin for the fact that our students have such opportunities. Having communicated with the organizers of the Academy of Animal Husbandry in Voronezh, I learned that not all universities reach out to the company and, moreover, agree to cooperate, sending their students to practice. Initially, the organization and awareness of students about similar practices and competitions, as it turned out, really lies on the enthusiasm and desire of the leadership of the faculty and the university. In my case, all this was done by the deputy dean for scientific work, Alexander Viktorovich Agarkov. I want to note that he paid a lot attention to the organization of the entire process of the contest and to the students who passed it!

Personally, I eventually came to the conclusion that you need to try, try to ask yourself a bar higher, as it seems to you, than you can overcome. It is necessary, even if scary. The possibilities of the best agricultural university in the country here can help in every way, so you need to keep an eye out. After all, if you study here and have a desire to develop yourself, the Stavropol SAU will certainly give you a unique chance to take advantage of which will be your main task. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  5

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