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Certification was passed successfully


The equipment and measuring means of the scientific and training laboratory "Fuel and Lubricants and Power Supply Systems for Automotive and Tractor Engines" were tested and certified before 2020.

This scientific and training laboratory, operating in the department "Machinery and Technologies of the Agroindustrial Complex" of the Agricultural Mechanization Faculty of the State Agrarian University, successfully uses equipment and measuring instruments in the educational process, and also performs contractual work for applications of enterprises using oil refining products as fuel or raw materials .

Employees of the department under the supervision of the head of the laboratory, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor V.S. Koichev, carried out certification of the scientific and educational laboratory "Fuel-lubricating materials and power systems for automotive tractor engines" and the expansion of research objects from 28 to 43 indicators for the next three years has been done.

Determination of quality indicators in accordance with the requirements of GOST in a short time is possible due to the existing equipment and measuring instruments that undergo systematic verification and certification. The main physicochemical parameters of petroleum products are included in the research field: determination of density, viscosity, octane and cetane numbers of motor fuels, low-temperature properties and sulfur content, presence of mechanical impurities, water, etc. The Certification "On the state of measurements in the laboratory" was successful and the laboratory received a certificate No. 2413, valid until December 20, 2020.

The laboratory invites the staff of the Agrarian University, interested in performing contractual works for the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the region. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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