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To the higher agrarian school – high efficiency!


On January 18 the meeting of pedagogical employees of the Stavropol state agrarian university was held.

In the focus of attention were the questions of the teaching staff (TS) salary in 2018, transition to the effective contract, a task of raising financial resources for ensuring performance indicators of the effective contract and the Program of transformation of the university into the Center of innovative and technological development of Stavropol Krai. This agenda was read by the rector of SSAU, the Academician of RAS, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

About increase in salary.

The director of planning and finance department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor of financial management and banking Alexander Nikolaevich Steklov has informed the teaching staff on increase in salary since January 1, 2018

– The monthly fixed payments will increase by 4% (payment of an hourly rate, compensation payments) – from 350 to 1050 rub of TS and from 200 to 300 rub to supporting personnel. The minimum wage since January 1 of the current year – 9489 rub is established, and since May 1 the minimum wage rates is planned to be 11163 rub that obliges the employer to carry out compensation of not less specified values. At lower positions surcharge on the minimum wage rate will be required. On average the salary of TS since January 1 was raised 6300 rub more. A.N. Steklov has provided comparative characteristics of classical official salaries of PPS before and after 1/1/2018 year, the sizes of rates of hourly compensation and the monthly stimulating extra charges for intensity of work in a new format – the effective contract which are established depending on the level of indicators of achievements. He has noted that as a result salaries are on average indexed not by 4%, but 28%. The average monthly guaranteed salary will be 23 887 rub. At the same time according to the road map, 53% out of 200% are covered by guaranteed payments; 47% must be earned by means of economic and contractual works and advanced training courses.

The effective contract – at work

The vice rector for educational and educational work, professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov has reported about the effective contract of the teaching staff. He has given a number of the documents entering standard principles of the effective contract. Among them the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "About actions for realization of the state social policy" dt. May 7, 2012, the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dt. November 26, 2012 and on April 30, 2014, the Programs of stage-by-stage improvement of system of compensation providing realization in the public (municipal) institutions for 2012-2018 and implementation of the Road map "The change in branches of the social sphere directed to increase in efficiency of science and education" and also local documents – "Employment policies and procedures of SSAU" (2016) and "Provision on the effective contract, indicators and criteria of efficiency of activity of SSAU training staff" (2017). According to the vice rector I.V. Atanov, the higher education institution on all positions is ready to introduction of the effective contract and we were approaching it systematically, including in pursuance of the May Decrees of the President of Russia concerning the budgetary sphere.

– Now there comes the final, III stage which obliges us to provide completion of work on the conclusion of employment contracts in connection with introduction of the effective contract, – the vice rector I.V. Atanov has emphasized. He has noted that this type of the employment contract specifies his/her functions, work terms, indicators and criteria for evaluation of the activity efficiency for designation of the stimulating payments depending on results and quality. The collective agreement of the Stavropol SAU also provides criteria for assessment of the overall performance of the university personnel and working relationship in the form of the effective contract. All Russian experience including high school community has been studied for introduction of such type of the contract. Besides, during 10 years a certain working tool has been created – annual rating assessment of TS which, in fact, became principles of the effective contract after performance of their certain synchronization.

– At the same time all systems of stimulation of TS existing at the university keep the action and are applied along with the systems of stimulation based on the effective contract, – I.V. Atanov has explained. – Though this system is new, it is already absolutely clear to everyone; it is transparent and, according to us, has to be flexible. Besides, the management of higher education institution and trade-union committee with a big response will apprehend all proposals of collective in respect of improvement of this system.

All goals are achievable on conditions that everyone is of the high efficiency!

The report "About the forthcoming tasks of raising financial resources for ensuring performance indicators of the effective contract and the Program of transformation of the university in the Center of innovative and technological development of Stavropol Krai" was made by the vice rector for scientific and innovative work, professor Vitaly Yuryevich Morozov. He has reminded on implementation of the Road map of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation as a founder and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as the main regulator of educational and scientific activity of the Russian higher education institutions regarding performance of research and design works on 1NPR. Thus, a part of salary finance passes to scientific research. Multiple increases in the raised funds are put also in the Program of transformation of the university in the Center of innovative and technological development of Stavropol Krai – not less than 200 million in 2018. For this purpose, according to the decision of the Academic council dated December 4, the special structural department for supervision of the grant performance is created. The main confidence in the performance of the forthcoming important tasks was given to discussion by the rector of SSAU, the Academician of RAS, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, who has summed up the agenda of a meeting. He noted that the competitiveness of the agricultural university, which is the best in the country, is proportional to highly effective work of all the PS at full devotion of each employee, and missing means for the salary financing must be earned from extrabudgetary funds and for this work the excellent material resources are created at the university. Vladimir Ivanovich has supported strengthening of industrial partnership to make a concrete contribution to development of regional agricultural production, increase in protection of master's and doctoral dissertations.The higher education institution needs to carry out state accreditation of 4 educational master programs, the international professional and public accreditation of educational programs of a bachelor degree in the directions: "Information systems and technologies", "Operation of transport technological machines and complexes", "Landscape architecture" (program) and program of a magistracy "Applied informatics".

– We live in difficult, but interesting and surmountable time. In our Agricultural university the PS has enough experience and knowledge, material conditions, image of higher education institution for fruitful and highly effective activity. It gives us the confidence that we are able to performance set goals! – Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev has told. In conclusion, he congratulated the TS on increase in salary. 

Thus, results and work quality of the Stavropol state agricultural university PS and personnel, as well as their stimulation, remain in the center of attention of the management. These positions are paramount as optimum realization not only everyday, but also all general large-scale plans and innovations of Agricultural University depend on the contribution of every member of PS. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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