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Being a student is proud and honorable!


Congratulation of the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V. I. Truhachev on the Day of Russian Students

Dear friends!

I congratulate all the wonderful, creative, talented young people of our alma mater, students of universities of the Stavropol Territory and agrarian universities of the country on the Day of Russian students!

Sometimes history sets different priorities, but for three centuries the beautiful Tatiana's day is invariably the most important holiday for you – it is respected, admired, full of fun! May your entire student life – from the first year to the graduation one – be bright and exciting, filled with deep knowledge and unique experience that your professors will gladly share with you.

Believe in yourself, be active in everything! Direct your creative energy and initiatives to good and useful accomplishments for the Motherland. Use all opportunities for successful self-realization, revealing your own intellectual and creative potential. Shinewith innovative ideas, translate them into real actions and think about the wonderful future of your native Stavropol region and the prosperity of our beloved homeland – Russia!

I sincerely wish you health, diligence, dedication, excellent academic achievements, incredible discoveries in science, inspiration and creativity, strong student friendship and true love!

Congratulations with the beautiful Saint Tatiana’s Day and Russian Students’ Day!

Rector of the Stavropol State University

Agrarian University,

Academician of RAS, Professor,

Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Stavropol Territory Universities,

Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Russian Federation Agrarian Universities,

Deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory,

The Hero of Labour of the Stavropol Territory,

Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory

V. I. Truhachev 

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