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Students of the Stavropol State University - silver prize-winners of the city game "Voroshilovsky Shooter"


On January 23, an annual city intellectual game was held in the Memory Museum, organized for university students of the regional center and timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Stavropol from the Nazi invaders. Following the results of the duel for the knowledge of the history of the small Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, the team of StGAU, consisting of students of the 2nd year of the accounting and financial department, won the second prize.

"Voroshilovsky shooter" is a fascinating game in which everyone was able to try his hand, to flash with erudition, knowledge, intellect. Here, the "arrows" do not hold arms, their strength is in knowledge. Speed of reaction, accuracy in thoughts and answers are welcomed. There is a cross-intellectual fire in the knockout game, because the price of a miss or a delay is the removal of a participant from the game.

The first such intellectual duel took place in 2008 at the international Seliger forum, for 10 years the game has gained wide popularity among the youth.

The Stavropol game "Voroshilovsky Shooter", which opened the intellectual season of 2018, was held in three stages. The participants of the game were representatives of the students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the North Caucasus Federal University, the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus, the Stavropol Branch of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, the North Caucasus Social Institute, and the Stavropol Cooperative Institute (branch of the BUKEP).

The theme of the game was "Stavropol in a soldier's overcoat." The young students of the city competed among themselves in the knowledge of the history of their small Motherland in one of the most difficult periods for it. In the finals of the competitions the team of SKFU (students of the 4th year of the historical faculty) and the team of StGAU (students of the 2nd course of the accounting and financial faculty) met. The agrarian high school was represented by students Mokrykov Sergey, Nazarenko Yana, Gazaryan Adeline, Syromyatnikova Polina, Malania Milena, preparation for participation of which was engaged by the staff of the Department of Philosophy and History of the Stavropol State University headed by the head of the chair, assistant professor SP Zolotaryov.

As a result of the fight with the senior historians, the "arrows" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University won an honorable second place, having received a coveted cup and a diploma of silver medalists. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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