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Beautiful, clean, on a high note!


The vocal of a representative of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was appreciated by the jury of the Soldatsky Envelope festival. Tatiana Khutornaya, a student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, entered the final of the competition.

In the regional capital, the winners of the city stage of the XXV jubilee Interregional Festival-Competition "Soldier Envelope - 2018" were chosen. 99 participants demonstrated their vocal data. Among them there were collectives and performers from schools, centers for children’s additional education, municipal cultural institutions, universities and colleges.

This year's festival is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Stavropol Territory from the Nazi invaders and the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. Guests of the city stage of the festival-contest were the famous residents of Stavropol and, of course, the legendary veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The head of the regional center Andrei Jatdoev and the chairman of the city Council of veterans Petr Kuralesov noted that the Soldier's Envelope confirms that young people with a special feeling perceive the heroic past of their country.

Among the founders and organizers of the festival there are the Krai Government, the Stavropol Youth Union, the administration of Stavropol, and the youth patriotic center Mashuk. The professional jury of the competition is headed by the Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, the director of the Stavropol Academic Drama Lermontov Theater Evgeniy Lugansky. The judges of patriotic songs performance are Tatyana Likhacheva, the Minister of Culture of the Stavropol Territory; Ivan Gromakov, an Honored Artist of Russia, director of the Cossack Song and Dance Ensemble "Stavropol"; Esmira Zhukova, a vocal teacher; Alexander Ostroverkhov, a teacher of the Stavropol Regional College of Arts, choirmaster of the thousandth children's choir; Ilyas Batchaev, a vocal teacher, the owner of the Grand Prix of the Soldier Envelope in 2014.

As a result of the city stage of the festival Tatyana Khutornaya, a student of the Stavropol Agrarian University entered the list of winners! In late 2017, it was her voice that entered the "five" of Russia's best votes on the results of participating in the main national musical student competition - "University".

The final gala concert of the Soldier Envelope - 2018 contest will be held on February 1 at the Stavropol Academic Drama Lermontov Theater, and the whole Agrarian University will be rooting for the vocalist of the StGAU. We wish Tatiana once again to declare her talent and become the best of the best!

By the way, in 2018 this patriotic event promises to become the largest and most memorable festival history in all 25 years, after all three thousand contestants compete in the contest! In front of 800 spectators, 23 finalists from hero cities of Sevastopol, Kerch, Tula, Smolensk, Volgograd, as well as Saratov, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg and Moscow will perform. The Festival of 2018 was supported by the Council of Rectors of Stavropol Krai, which is headed by the rector of StGAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev. This will increase the prize fund of the festival and hold it at a high technical level.

For reference:

The history of the contest "Soldier Envelope" begins in 1988, when the "When Soldiers Sold" festival was organized. On its basis in the future, and was created "Soldier Envelope", to participate in which invited students and working youth. The competition became a notable event in the cultural life of not only the Stavropol Territory, it received the status of interregional. At the time, by the way, the beginning performer, today's idol Dmitry Bilan, took part in it. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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