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StGAU Student is nominated for the All-Russian Literary Prize


Xenia Nazarova, the third year student of the Accounting and Finance Department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, was officially recognized as the nominee of the All-Russian National Literary Prize "Poet of the Year - 2017".

On January 21 All-Russian Internet portal Стихи.ру solemnly announced all the nominees of the award in the field of literary words. The lucky ones, whose poetic talent was recognized by the jury, were represented to the public learned with a special issue of a new poetic almanac “Poet of the Year”.

The best works of young poets from all parts of our vast country were gathered in this almanac. Among them there are poems by Ksenia Nazarova, a student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Xenia is the head of the StGAU literary club "The World Within the Word" and has been writing poetry for six years already. It should be noted that the jury of the main nomination "Poet of the Year" includes well-known writers and cultural figures. Among them are masters of the word, such as V. Artyomov, V. Vishnevsky, D. Vodennikov, I. Volgin, A. Gorodnitsky, V. Dolina, K. Kedrov, B. Kenzheev, A. Kostina, L. Prygunov, M. Rozovsky .

Two months later, on March 21 (the World Poetry Day) the final of the All-Russian National Literary Prize will be held, and the whole Russia will recognize the names of the winners. We wish Xenia inspiration in her favorite art and great luck in the upcoming literary competition!

For reference:

On December 19 in the State Duma of the Russian Federation Ksenia Nazarova, the StGAU student, participated in the final of the IV All-Russian contest of socially responsible girls "Miss Youth - 2017". 

Дата новости для фото:  23.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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