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"Always strive for the impossible, be happy and be leaders!" – the rector of the Stavropol State University V.I. Trukhachev wished the future agrarians


On January 25, the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, came to the lecture halls of the alma mater to congratulate on the student's day.

“I want each of you to have more happiness and prosperity! On this wonderful day, you should all smile and rejoice!” – Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, the rector of the Stavropol State University and its graduate, now Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, greeted agrarian students.

During the years of his studies at the veterinary faculty and 20 years of university leadership, the rector, of course, has something to remember from his student life and compare what his alma mater was then and is now.

“An excellent material and technical base has been created for the educational process at the Stavropol State Agrarian University, including an excellent library with a unique agricultural fund, the largest in the region. And every student, striving for knowledge and the seemingly impossible, can achieve unrealistic heights!” – assured the rector.

In a sincere conversation with the young people, V.I. Truhachev emphasized that the professors and lecturers of the Stavropol State University in the framework of academic mobility get knowledge from the world practice field in order to later adapt it to the Russian reality and better transfer it to the agricultural students.

Despite the fact that students of the Agrarian University, mainly country boys and girls, have ample opportunities for successful education, science, sports, creativity, comfortable living conditions on the university campus of the European level, the rector asked what else they want to see in their alma mater.

“Because the Student is the most important person in our university! As well as his professor or lecturer, for whom today is also a holiday, - explained Vladimir Ivanovich and wished all students a great mood, a lot of positive events and realization of their cherished dream – to get a higher agricultural education in one of the best agrarian universities in Russia.

Дата новости для фото:  25.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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