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On exams, life lessons, and the fact that there is no such thing as unnecessary knowledg


On Student's Day, future agrarians were lucky not only to receive numerous congratulations, but also to communicate with famous people of the region and the country. The students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University met Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation S. S. Kravtsov and Governor of the Stavropol Territory V. V. Vladimirov.

The head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov and the governor Vladimir Vladimirov met with the students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, warmly and cordially congratulated them with Tatiana's day and answered their questions.

Participants of the meeting focused on improving the quality of higher education, industrial practice and university graduates employment. Students were also interested in the attitude of the department representatives and the regional authorities to the USE organization.

“I used to be a student, too. Probably, this is the most wonderful time when a person learns! – said Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science S. Kravtsov, congratulating the youth of Stavropol GAU on the Russian Students’ Day – You are terrific! The future belongs to you!”

The head of Rosobrnadzor sees his task as helping the education system to identify the problems that exist and provide an opportunity for the development of educational institutions. That is why Sergey Sergeyevich answered the questions of students-agrarians with pleasure.

One of them concerned the USE. It would seem that students of the Agrarian University have already passed this stage, but they are worried about their younger brothers and sisters who still have to enter higher education.

In the opinion of S. Kravtsov, whose first qualification is a teacher of mathematics, “any examination is a part of life's path, a sort of test, when it is necessary to collect your thoughts, be calm and self-confident”.

“This is a useful experience. There will be a lot of similar situations in your life, there will be no greenhouse conditions. Development is in overcoming difficulties – S.S. Kravtsov believes. – The exam is an incentive to learn. It motivates the one who wants to learn on his own and achieve everything. The question is not whether the USE is good or not good. The question is how objectively the exams pass. In those countries that show good results (mainly Asian countries - Singapore, South Korea, Japan), school and university examinations pass objectively. And later you cannot become, say, a good agronomist without passing a professional exam without showing your qualifications.”

“I am sure that this system is developing,” – V.V. Vladimirov says about the USE, although the governor’s attitude to such an assessment of knowledge is ambiguous. But the governor’s real conviction is that there is no unnecessary knowledge!

It is interesting that later, during the conversation, the head of the region decided to "immerse" students in the future: “Imagine that all knowledge is a means to be successful in life and and now you are getting this means. What do you obviously not have enough to win this life?”

And that's how the students reasoned. Irina Karagodina is studying at the Faculty of Technological Management of the State Agrarian University. She says: “As for my faculty, we do not have enough practice now. Future technologists want to know how professionals work, to see the activity of an enterprise from within. For the future profession, this is simply necessary.”

The head of Rosobrnadzor S.S. Kravtsov agreed with her opinion, having commented that the modern student really does not have enough good practice and those competencies that allow to start working in modern production immediately after graduating from the university.

“Practical preparation of the university students remains an important issue. When you go to work at a factory, you should be highly qualified specialists in demand. I want you to become that way. Much, of course, depends on you, on your diligence,” – appealed Deputy Minister S.S. Kravtsov to the students.

The chairman of the students union organization of StGAU Nikolay Golovin, a graduate of the Electric Power Faculty, thinks that modern youth simply sometimes lacks the courage.

“There are more than enough conditions, in all directions that attract you, – says Nikolay with conviction. – This represents both our university and the whole region: there are practical bases, and projects, and support. Just go, work, try!”

Governor V.V. Vladimirov subtly noted: “Modern youth often wants everything at once. Maybe that stops you?”

“The most important thing is to try to achieve everything by yourself, – says S.S. Kravtsov, head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Public Health, who climbed the career ladder from a junior researcher to the director of a research institute, from the chief specialist of the ministry to the deputy minister. – If you overcome difficulties, you will develop!”

The conversation turned out to be useful and wise and was more like the communication of young people with benevolent older comrades than with representatives of the department and authorities.

Not every day a student, even an activist, can get an opinion on an important issue from people who "made themselves", and learn lessons from their successful professional life. The future of the agrarians was lucky, this meeting on Student's Day was a real event for them and clearly it will be remembered! 

Дата новости для фото:  25.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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