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Birthday is a sweet holiday!


On the 23th of January, a volunteer detachment of the faculties of agrobiology, land resources and Ecology and landscape architecture of Stavropol State University "Zabota" visited children's home No. 12 named after A. Zatsepin, to meet with his students and congratulate 13 birthday people.

This is one of the four orphanages in the Stavropol Territory, which have been supervised by the faculties of the Agrarian University for many years. The students of the detachment brought with them sweet gifts, smiles, a sea of ​​positive and joy, and also the warmth that they always want to give to children. It turned out to be a truly festive Birthday! The smallest birthday girl was two-year-old Melanya, who did not step away from the students and became the general favorite of the holiday.

Volunteer detachment "Zabota" not only congratulates the birthday of orphanages and shelters, but also prepares various thematic events for the children. So, for example, at the request of educators and teachers of the orphanage "Rosinka" on the 17th of January, the volunteer detachment "Zabota" organized here the Day of Children's Inventions. The students conducted a master class on the production of three-dimensional figures of various animals from paper. Pupils of a children's shelter were very pleasant by such applied game. They are glad to every meeting, every visit of their good old friends - the soldiers of the order "Zabota".

Дата новости для фото:  29.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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