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Prospects for state youth policy in Stavropol Territory discussed by the Council of Rectors of Stavropol


On January 26, the Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the extended Council of Rectors of Stavropol Krai with the participation of the Government of the Stavropol Territory, heads of secondary professional organizations and the Union of Youth of Stavropol.

The plenary session was opened by the rector of StGAU, the chairman of the Council of Rectors of Stavropol Territory Vladimir Trukhachev, who outlined the topic of the meeting of the Council - "Prospects for the development of the state youth policy in the Stavropol Territory in the field of work with student youth".

More than 100 people took part in the plenary session. Among them - rectors and vice-rectors for the university educational work, directors of the colleges of the Stavropol Territory, leadership of the RYU and ASO of the Stavropol Territory, heads of the youth policy bodies of the Stavropol Territory cities, chairmen of student councils of universities of the Stavropol Territory.

The chairman of the Council of Rectors of Stavropol Territory, the rector of StGAU Vladimir Truhachev reported on the achievements of students of universities and colleges of Stavropol on the all-Russian level. The main task is to create conditions for young people to be confident in their future. This, according to V.I. Trukhachev, makes possible to effectively use the potential of the youth for the benefit of the socio-economic development of the entire Stavropol region. Moreover, in the province, where the youth policy is a priority direction of the executive and legislative power, there are 701 thousand people aged between 14 and 30. This makes 25% of the number of inhabitants of the region, for example, in Moscow this indicator is much lower - 19.4%.

V.I. Trukhachev stressed that the Union of Youth of Stavropol for the third consecutive year is leading the federal rating among the regional organizations of the Russian Union of Youth. Each year more than 64,000 young people in the region become participants in the organization's projects and programs. The result of the formation of such a youth policy in our region was the fact that on October 9, 2017 for the first time in Russia - the Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a youth forum of the All-Russian People's Front. "Youth APF" allowed young people to show their talent, to feel the importance and necessity of a just cause. In general, a significant number of activities, aimed at fostering a sense of patriotism and the development of creative abilities among young people, have been organized and successfully held over the past three years in the Stavropol Territory.

But although the results have been significant, and in many activity areas Stavropol students have already been in the lead for the last three years, there is much to be done.

One of such events of 2018, which is important at the highest level, will be the All-Russian Festival of Student Creativity "Russian Student Spring". The preparation for this event was spotlighted by Irina Kuvaldina, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory on social issues. According to her, XXVI "Russian student's spring" in the 26th region promises to become not only a landmark, but also a very spectacular and enchanting event. By the way, the management of the festival is headed by Nikolai Golovin, the youth leader of the Agrarian University, the head of the ASO of the Stavropol Territory. The headquarters of the festival management will operate on the basis of the StGAU. In addition, the university will organize a site for one of the festival areas. In total, 2,400 students from 80 regions of the Russian Federation will attend the festival in Stavropol.

Valentina Muravieva, the chairwoman of the Committee for Social and Youth Policy, Education, Science, Culture and Mass Media of the Stavropol Territory, says: "This is another reason not to falsify the history of the youth movement but to preserve historical memory." Valentina Nikolaevna aimed the heads of educational institutions of the region to carry out complex events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol, which will be held at the region scale.

Since the Council was held during the presidential election campaign, in conditions of the changed legislation, Olga Prudnikova, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Stavropol Territory, the head of the regional government apparatus and Evgeny Demyanov, the chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Stavropol Territory spoke on the participation of students in the forthcoming elections and innovations in the federal legislation . It was stressed that the main task of the forthcoming elections should be to ensure their transparency and legitimacy.

At the end of the plenary session, two round tables were held. The participants of the discussion were the rectors of universities and directors of professional educational organizations of the Stavropol Territory, representatives of the Government and the Duma of the Stavropol Territory.

They discussed the work with students and the interaction on this issue between the Government of the Stavropol Territory, educational organizations of higher education and the Russian Youth Union, paying attention to the issue of forming an interagency plan for the implementation of programs and projects for students. So, for example, the rector of the North Caucasus Federal University Alina Levitskaya, the rector of the Pyatigorsk State University Alexander Gorbunov, the rector of the Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian and Technical Institute Sergey Frolko, expressed their views on the directions of the university youth policy in and positive experiences. Dmitry Donetsky, Deputy Minister of Education of the Stavropol Territory informed the audience about plans for work with the student youth of Stavropol, detailing every upcoming event.

Summing up the discussion of the issues on the agenda, the Council adopted a resolution, which included the following: informing students of universities and colleges about innovations in the electoral system; active participation in the XXVI All-Russian Festival of Student Creativity "Russian Student Spring" from May 15 to May 20, 2018; organization of events for the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol; creation of all necessary conditions for the further development of student government, etc.

An agreement was signed on the interaction for the implementation of student programs and projects between the Council of Rectors of Stavropol Territory and the Stavropol Regional Organization of the Russian Youth Union. The ceremonial mission was performed by the chairman of the Council of Rectors of Stavropol Territory, the rector of StGAU Vladimir Trukhachev and the first secretary of the Stavropol RYU Ilya Yurchishin.

Дата новости для фото:  27.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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