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"The best methodical development - 2017": the results of the All-Russian competition


Winners and prizewinners of the contest conducted by the ANO DPO "Institute for Standardization, Certification and Metrology" (Krasnodar), were recognized the authors of the Department of Financial Accounting editions of the Accounting and Finance Department of the Stavropol State University.

In the nomination "The best methodical development of higher education", diplomas of the winners were awarded to associate professors of the Accounting and Finance Department, candidates of economic sciences the head of the department, professor N. V. Kulish and O. E. Sytnik. The jury evaluated their methodical development "Accounting Financial Accounting": Part 1 "Teaching-methodical manual" and part 2 "Workbook" for bachelors of the 3rd course of profiles "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Taxes and Taxation".

Diplomas of prize-winners were received for the methodical development of "Accounting Theory", which included a workshop (authors – N.V. Kulish, O.E. Sytnik) and a workbook "Accounting Financial Authenticity" (the author - candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor V.S. Germanova).

Дата новости для фото:  30.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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