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To new scientific horizons


On the eve of the Day of Russian Science, we learn the generators of which innovative ideas in January 2018 were the scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.



We expand cooperation


In order to exchange experience in the scientific sphere, including the issues of commercialization of scientific developments, the faculty of veterinary medicine and technological management of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was visited by the delegation of the Penza State University. The rector of PGAU, doctor of technical sciences, professor Oleg Nikolaevich Kukharev arrived with a working visit; vice-rector for research, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Nosov Alexey Viktorovich; Head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Candidate of Biological Sciences, associate professor Ostapchuk Alexander Valerevich; chairman of the united trade union organization Sergey Alexeevich Kshnikatkin.


During the visit, colleagues visited the Scientific Diagnostic and Treatment and Veterinary Center, got acquainted with the material and technical base of the two faculties and with the educational and scientific library. Representatives of the delegation highly appreciated the level and equipment of faculties of veterinary medicine and technological management. The guests were interested in the exposition of scientific achievements of the staff of StGAU, where they were told about the university's cooperation with other agrarian universities of the country, large and small enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.


According to the rector of the Penza State University, O. N. Kukharev, the Stavropol State Agrarian University successfully solves its main task, training highly qualified personnel in the specialties of the agricultural profile and other necessary for the development of rural areas and their infrastructure. All conditions for continuous education, activities of students for mastering the necessary competences are created in the State University of Civil Aviation, much is being done also for personnel support of scientific research.



Experiment in progress


Within the framework of the Program for Transformation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University into the University Center of Innovative and Technological Development of the Stavropol Territory in 2017-2019. in the direction "Genomics of animals" in the vivarium of the faculty of technological management experiments are currently conducted on broiler chickens of the cross-country "Cobb-500". In this work, scientists, graduate students and students of two faculties-technological management (under the guidance of Professor E.E. Epimakhova) and veterinary medicine (headed by Professor Orobets V.A.) are involved. The expected result is the development of elements of an integrated technology of intensive growing and feeding of young poultry meat.



Cheaper, better, more powerful


The team of the department "Electricity use in agriculture" of the electric power faculty of StGAU as a part of Nikitenko G.V., Konoplyova E.V., Salpagarova V.K., Konoplyova P.V., Bobrysheva A.V. received a patent for the invention "Synchronous generator with a two-circuit magnetic system. "


The invention relates to the field of electrical engineering, in particular to the construction of a synchronous generator on permanent magnets, used in autonomous power supply systems. The technical result will be a cheaper construction, an increase in the generator power and an increase in efficiency due to the use of a two-circuit magnetic system, as well as a decrease in the specific metal capacity of the generator per unit of power.



Strategic partnership in action


In the city of Grodno of the Republic of Belarus a collective monograph "Methodological and practical aspects of control of settlements with counterparties of agricultural organizations" was published. This scientific work became a joint work of scientists from two partner universities. Among the authors of the book are two teachers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University - candidates of economic sciences, associate professors of the "Accounting Financial Accounting" department of the accounting and financial department N. V. Kulish and O. Y. Sytnik. The author's collective of the Grodno State Agrarian University is represented by two university departments: "Accounting and Control in the Agroindustrial Complex" - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor S. Yu. Shcherbatyuk, senior lecturers I. Yu. Osipchuk, S. V. Grudko, N. G. Girda, E. V. Gostilovich; "Finance and analysis in the agro-industrial complex" - senior lecturer EA Solovych.


The monograph reveals the author's approach to the implementation of organizational and methodical aspects of control of settlements with counterparties of agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.


The authors suggested the directions of checking the quality of accounting and reporting information on the state of settlements of agricultural organizations. They systematized the methodological tools of control over the security of the counterparty, the performance of contractual obligations by debtors, the observance of the procedure for collecting debts and conducting claim work, writing off bad debts.


The scientific publication will be of interest to all those who are called upon to solve the problems of improving the accounting system and reporting organizations of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. The monograph is intended for researchers, teachers, postgraduates, undergraduates, university students, as well as employees of legal and economic services, practicing accountants and auditors.




Professor - sounds proud!


The title of professor was awarded to the teacher of the faculty of technological management of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the doctor of agricultural sciences Yelena Eduardovna Epimakhova, whose labor activity is inextricably linked with domestic poultry farming, and scientific achievements in this sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex are recognized far beyond Russia.


The pedagogical activity of E.E. Epimakhova serves as a model and an example for her numerous students, both in the student environment and among graduate students and candidates of science. The irrepressible energy and bold creative thought of Elena Edugartovna, multiplied by reasonableness, literacy, rationality, are the embodiment of the image of the modern worker of the higher school of Russia.


To the newly made professor the colleagues wished scientific victories and achievements, realization of the most courageous creative plans and worthy, perspective pupils!

Дата новости для фото:  31.01.2018
Номер новости для фото:  5

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