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The stock market is profitable and exciting!


On a professional holiday, Broker's Day students of the Accounting and Finance Department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University attended an open lecture from a strategic partner, competed in the "Securities Market" quiz and felt themselves to be real investors.

The date 31st of January was not accidentally chosen for the holiday brokerage professional community, it is at the end of January that companies, as a rule, sum up the financial results of the year.

A financial broker is a specialist working on the securities market. It is believed that for Russia this profession is new, since trade exchanges in our country appeared only in the early 1990s. However, this opinion is only partially true. For modern history, the profession of a broker in Russia is really new. But if we look deeper, the first stock exchanges appeared in the beginning of the 18th century.

Today, brokers are an integral part of the Russian financial system and ensure the functioning of stock exchanges. Financial directors, top managers when working with exchange commodities actively use the services of brokers. Therefore, Broker's Day is a professional holiday of the financial community.

On this day, Andrei Alexandrovich Vlasenko, consulting manager of the Finam financial company, came to congratulate the students of the 3-4 courses of the accounting and financial department (Economics, Finance and Credit profile) and the specialty "Economic Security", about financial brokerage profession. The coordinators of the event were the teachers of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance".

The meeting was held in the format of an open lecture "Successful investments in the stock market: where to start." A specialist in a financial company with more than 10 years of experience in the stock market informed about the specifics and advantages of the main investment tools, the fundamentals of personal finance management, the situation on the stock market of the country, the mechanism of the stock market operation, the investment opportunities - both independently support of professional brokers.

A.A. Vlasenko voiced his own positions on the goals and tasks of working on the stock market at the present time. According to Andrei Alexandrovich, the stock market is now the main instrument for preserving the accumulated capital. Brokers in the modern world play a very significant role. The profession itself is in great demand in the market of services, especially since it has many varieties. The broker is involved in the insurance business, the securities market, and the stock exchange. His sphere of activity also includes work in the currency and mortgage markets.

In the second part of the event, the "Securities Market" quiz was held, held under the motto "Successful young citizens are a successful country". The purpose of the quiz is to increase the information awareness of students about the Russian financial market, its structure, functions and tools. Students showed good knowledge, answering quiz questions, solving financial crosswords and puzzles. The best results were demonstrated by Kuliyeva Inna, Chincharauli Mikhail, Temirbulatova Madina, Zabolotsky Maxim, Khokhoyeva Natella. For their success, they were awarded with certificates for training on the additional educational program "Fundamentals of Exchange Trade" on the basis of the Exchange "Exchange".

At the end of the event, a specialist of a financial company was pleased to answer questions from students and teachers, thus provoking a lively discussion. The students were especially interested in: "Advantages of individual investment accounts", "Is the recession on the market ahead of the elections?", "How to become a customer of the company?", "How to determine the client's financial goal?", "What is a balanced client portfolio? "What is the daily routine of a successful trader?", "How to pass an internship in a financial company" Finam "and what are the employment opportunities in it?"

The general impression of the students was voiced by Michael Chincharauli, who studies in the direction "Economics", the profile "Finance and Credit":

- I liked the approach of the organizers to submitting the material. There was not much theory, but a lot of practical examples from the trader's personal experience.

In the opinion of O. Uglitsky, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance, one of the coordinators of the project "Invited expert of a financial company":

- The open lecture was perfect for both students and teachers - in short, everyone who wants to better manage personal finances and successfully work in the financial market. I have heard for myself what can be used not only in the educational process, but also in making my own decisions on asset management.

And within the framework of the professional holiday, on the basis of the Exchange, with the support of the financial company Finam, an exchange game was organized in which 3-4-year students (Economics, Finance and Credit) could feel themselves real investors. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  3

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