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"SYNGENTA" sets the trends of agricultural production


The traditional winter conference "Drivers of Growth", conducted in conjunction with the strategic partner - the company "Syngenta", was held in Stavropol State University.

Employees of the Faculties of Agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture, teachers of the leading departments and students studying in the direction "Agronomics" took part in the conference "Growth Drivers". In addition, more than 200 representatives of the republics of the North Caucasus Federal District and 26 districts of the Stavropol Territory became its participants.

The event was opened by the new head of the territorial division of OOO “Syngenta” Andrey Makhrov, then Alexey Dmitrienko, director of the region “South” of Syngenta, made a welcoming speech. They both noted the important role of cooperation for the development of agricultural science and agricultural production of our country. According to the partners of the university, making the most of the potential of genetics, adapted growing technologies, best practices and knowledge of the market, joint efforts can increase the profitability of Russia's agriculture.

On behalf of the Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Sitnikov, the conference participants were welcomed by Deputy Minister Andrei Oleinikov, who emphasized: "The Company “Syngenta” is able to create new trends in agricultural production that maximize the potential of the Stavropol land." "Syngenta" sets the trends of agricultural production.”

From the Faculties of Agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Julia Bezgina, Deputy Dean for Science, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech. She thanked the representatives of the company for long-term, mutually beneficial cooperation related to scientific research and scholarship programs.

During the conference leading experts shared information on innovative activities of the company, introduced new means of plant protection, including for growing sunflower and corn, discussed the phytosanitary situation associated with cereal crops.

Technical experts of OOO “Syngenta” Anatoly Tarakanovsky and Dmitry Borodin spoke in detail about the technology of using fungicides, gave a description of plant protection products against pests and weeds, demonstrating ready-made solutions to the audience.

Being the leader in sales of sunflower seeds and maize in the Russian market, the company "Syngenta" sets a goal to provide the Russian consumer with high-yielding hybrids adapted for specific cultivation conditions. The selection and development of new hybrids in 2018 is one of the priorities in the work of Syngenta. The manager of strategic clients Vsevolod Fesechko and the marketing campaign manager for corn seeds Pavel Ischenko informed the news of sunflower and corn hybrids.

Leading researcher of the Laboratory of Plant Protection All-Russian Institute of Oilseeds named after V.S. Pustovoit, Ivan Shulyak informed the audience about the diagnostic signs of sunflower diseases and gave recommendations on the system of integrated protection of culture.

Traditionally, as part of the annual winter conference, the staff not only talked about hybrids, but also answered questions from customers and provided technical advice on various aspects of cultivating field crops, from seeding to harvesting. In the face-to-face communication mode, company representatives and customers shared information on the results and experience of production in a particular region when introducing various technologies.

The company "Syngenta" was established in Switzerland in 2000 by combining agro-subdivisions of the companies Novartis AG and AstraZenecaPlc.

Representatives of Syngenta are currently open in 90 countries. To date, they offer not only a wide range of seeds of key field crops of the Russian region - sunflower, corn, sugar beet, rape - and a rich assortment of plant protection products, but also comprehensive programs for professional protection of agricultural producers.

Thanks to the synthesis of research and development and deep knowledge of the realities of the agricultural market, the company develops solutions and technologies that provide farms with maximum return on investment. In May 2016, in the city of Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Territory, Syngenta opened the first in Russia laboratory for seed quality control.

Дата новости для фото:  05.02.2018 09:36:46
Номер новости для фото:  1

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