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A new project on the basics of legal literacy of children's homes pupils is implemented by volunteers of the Agrarian University.

On February 1, another project of the Volunteer Detachment "Volunteers" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was launched. The project "I have a right" is an initiative of the deputy head of the detachment, a student of the 3rd year of the Accounting and Financial department Diana Marzabekova. It is aimed at forming the foundations of legal education among pupils of the children's home, applying the knowledge gained in a specific situation and in further independent life. The place of project realization was at the children's home № 13, village Nadezhda, Shpakovsky district.

"The first lecture" Rights and Duties - what is this?” was already held, during which the students learned about the basic duties and rights of the child," Diana says and shares her plans: - In the future, through lecture classes and cognitive master classes, games and cases in the field of legal literacy for 8 months, the guys will receive the necessary knowledge that will certainly be useful to them in life and, I hope, will help to avoid legal difficulties.

Дата новости для фото:  06.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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