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Happy Russian Science Day!


Congratulation of the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education,
Academic of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev

Dear colleagues – doctors and candidates of science,
famous and beginning scientists of the Stavropol region
and the entire scientific community of the Russian Federation!
I congratulate you on the Day of Russian Science!

Agriculture is one of the most important spheres of the innovative Russian economy, and science is its national resource on which the future of our Motherland depends. In the face of new challenges and risks, the striving for high technology is even more relevant and more significant are the scientific developments of agricultural scientists integrated into the activities of agro-enterprises of each region of the country, which give the expected effect in agricultural production.
We are proud that the scientific achievements of scientists of our university are known in the Stavropol Territory, in Russia and beyond. It is not for nothing that the Stavropol State Agrarian University awarded the Grand Prix in the nomination "For achievements in the field of innovations in the agro-industrial complex" at the exhibition "AgroRus-2017" “For an effective contribution to the development of science for the agro-industrial complex”.
In the digital era, modern agriculture, as well as the entire economy as a whole, has high rates of development, compliance with market demands for a strong, dynamic and productive agrarian sector. Unconditional driver in this process should be agrarian science, which means your innovative ideas, the fruits of scientific search, integrated into real, successfully operating agricultural production, and, of course, the training of new young professionals for the Russian scientific community.
The course taken by Stavropol State Agrarian University for transformation into the University Center of Innovation Creation Area is designed to consolidate the scientific community and dynamically change the agrarian of the present region to highly efficient and profitable.
In 2017, 9 candidates and 7 doctors of science - were successfully defended by our teachers. Based on the results of the university's participation in 450 all-Russian and international conferences, in more than 100 exhibitions and salons 142 scientific achievements were won over 300 awards, including 67 gold, silver and bronze medals. In 2017, 136 patents for useful inventions and models, certificates for registration of computer programs were received.
Domestic agriculture needs in a young elite capable of technological breakthroughs and advances in science. In Stavropol SAU, a worthy scientific shift is growing, promising ideas of which are always supported both in the Alma Mater and at the all-Russian level.
Five innovative developments of young scientists in the current areas of "Medicine", "New devices and hardware complexes" and "Biotechnologies" in 2017 supported by the Foundation for Promoting the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere under the "UMNIK" program. Three developments were awarded to the President of the Russian Federation Grant for state support of young Russian scientists. Three young scientists received a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy. 529 students were awarded on the basis of participation in the Olympiads and competitions of the international, all-Russian and regional level. Among them there are 7 of our young researchers are prize-winners of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
Our university has some of the highest citation rates in the country at the RICC, including the Hirsch index - 113, the number of citations - 214029, articles - 29459, which were provided by 417 researchers. This shows the weighty scientific potential of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and its relevance. Achievement of significant scientific results is facilitated by the constantly upgraded material and technical base of the university, the unique equipment of its laboratories, centers and small enterprises.
I wish all scholars of Russia broad scientific horizons, purposefulness, creative insights and good luck in scientific search, innovative approaches for the development of the agro-industrial complex of our country, world-class discoveries and the highest achievements for the good of the Motherland!

Дата новости для фото:  07.02.2018 13:53:19
Номер новости для фото:  1

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