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VIII International scientific and practical conference "Agrarian science, creativity and growth"


On February 8, a plenary session of the traditional university conference was held, organized by the Accounting and Finance Faculty in cooperation with the Faculties of Agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Scientific development of young scientists and acquaintance with new practice-oriented research in various fields of science and practice are the main objectives of the annual conference "Agrarian Science, Creativity and Growth", in which graduate students of three faculties of the Stavropol State Agrarian University participate.

The pro-rector for scientific and innovative work, Professor Morozov Vitaly opened the conference, which started on the Day of Russian Science. He congratulated all participants of the conference on a very important professional holiday and wished fruitful work and discussions. The Dean of the Faculties of Agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture, professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Esaulko Alexander and Dean of the Accounting and financial Faculty, Professor Kostyukova Elena also addressed the audience with welcoming words. Invited guests of the scientific event were the resident of Skolkovo Innovation Center, the technical director of ООО «AIST-AGRO» Dimitrenko Vyacheslav and the candidate of agricultural sciences, the Head of the South North Caucasus region, the regional representative of the OOO SAMMIT AGRO Balatsky Mikhail.

On improving the effectiveness of the management system, tools for obtaining an inherent advantage that makes it possible to extract extraordinary profits on invested capital in agriculture, said scientific youth V Y. Dimitrenko. Graduated from SSAU, M. Yu. Balatsky spoke about current trends and realities in protecting fruit plantations from pests and diseases.

During the conference, reports were also made by: Smagin Alexander, Assistant of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance, who covered the topic "Financing business in the digital economy"; graduate student of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection Ustimov Denis, studying the biological efficacy of Bariton, KS and ScenicKombi ethers, KS in winter wheat crops. Assistant of the Department of Production and processing of food products from plant raw materials Danilyan Viktoria is developing a technology for the production of functional drinks based on natural grape juice, which she shared with other young researchers. Theories and methodologies in the format of the development of modern tools for assessing the efficiency of the horse breeding industry, Fatima Batchaeva, Assistant of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, devoted her report. The influence of mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of lentil grain on the leached chernozem was reported by the postgraduate student of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology, Galda Dmitry.

Further the work of the conference was continued at the sectional meetings.

The sections of the accounting and financial department were held in five areas: "Actual issues of theory and practice of financial, tax and management accounting, the prospects for implementing IFRS in Russia", "Problems and ways to improve audit activities and internal control in the organization", "Innovation potential and prospects development of sectors of regional economy "," Theory and practice of finance and banking "," Financial situation: measurement, analysis, forecasting, decision-making ".

The sections of the departments of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture covered 9 scientific areas: "Aspects of the application of fertilizers and FAC"; "Monitoring of soil cover and methods of increasing soil fertility"; "The current state of selection and seed production of different cultures"; "Rational nature management and environmental protection"; "Actual issues of plant protection"; "Prospects for the development of fruit and vegetable growing, viticulture and winemaking"; "Modern technologies of production and processing of crop production"; "Prospects for the development of cadaster and land monitoring systems"; "Innovative technologies in landscape architecture".

Based on the materials of this scientific and practical conference, a collection of scientific papers will be published and placed in the RSCI database. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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