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All-Russian conference "Scientific and technical development of agriculture"


On the Day of Russian Science, the scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the videoconference mode communicated with representatives of agrarian universities of the country and scientific institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. Gratitude of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation to the Head of the Research and Innovation Center of the Stavropol State Automobile Inspection, Dmitry Ivanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, was presented in Moscow by the State Secretary and Deputy Minister Ivan Lebedev.

Strong science is a guarantee of a stable future of the country

The festive and at the same time a very business event on the professional holiday of Russian scientists was held at the RASU - MAAA named after K. A. Timiryazev. The main agrarian university, taking advantage of the unifying power of science and video conferencing, brought together the scientific community of agrarians and specialists of the country's agricultural sector are both in Timiryazevka itself and in virtual space.

Congratulations on the Day of Russian Science on behalf of the Head of the department - the Minister of Agriculture of Russia, Alexander Tkachev, was announced by the State Secretary - Deputy Minister Ivan Lebedev. There was the idea that "today the Russian agro-industrial complex is at the stage of reform and modernization. For this industry, in addition to new technologies and technology, breakthrough solutions, new discoveries and highly qualified personnel are needed."

Before the agrarian universities of Russia at the present stage, the task is not simply to improve the quality of the sectoral education, but also to make it competitive. The very development of agrarian universities should be innovative, quickly responding to market needs, for which the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia plans to increase interaction with the academic scientific community. Among the documents of strategic planning, the Deputy minister was named: the Presidential Decree on scientific and technological policy, the Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation, the forecast of scientific and technological development of the agro-industrial complex until 2030, the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017-2025.

The event was also attended by Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Irina Donnik, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow region Andrei Razin, representatives of the scientific community. The topics for discussion were: interaction of science and business, development of selection and seed production, support of young scientists

Vectors of agrarian science and its growth points

Rector of the Russian State Agrarian University - MAAA named after KA Timiryazev Galina Zolina stressed that the Day of Science in the walls of Timiryazevka is carried out at the initiative of the Minister of Agriculture of Russia and becomes a tradition.

- Without the scientific component in the educational process, it is inconceivable to train and train highly qualified specialists, it is impossible to successfully develop the country, therefore the state supports research projects. Today, Russia is faced with large-scale challenges of technological development, ensuring environmental, biological, and food security. Answer to them is possible only with the help of strong science and modern technologies.

The main report on the scientific and technical development of agriculture was presented by and. about. Director of the Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia Myron Shikalov. In his speech, he outlined the main directions of scientific and technological development, dwelt on the structure and mechanism for the implementation of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017-2025, emphasized the role of leading agrarian universities in the implementation of the scientific and technological policy of the agroindustrial complex, sounded the main regulatory and legal acts that determine it.

Igor Kozubenko, Director of the Department for Development and Management of State Information Resources of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, delivered a report "On Digital Technologies in Agriculture".

The following reports were also made at the meeting:

- "Digital economy and innovative development of the agro-industrial complex" (Alexey Golubev, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Practical-Oriented Education of the State Philharmonic Society of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences - MAA named after KA Timiryazev);

- "Using the analysis of large data to predict the scientific and technological development of the agro-industrial complex" (Alexander Chulok, deputy director of the International Scientific and Educational Foresight Center of the Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics of the Higher School of Economics);

- "On the best available technologies in the field of agriculture" (Fedorenko Vyacheslav, Director of the Federal State Biennial of Science "Rosinformagrotekh");

- "Experience of the RGAU-MAAA named after K.A. Timiryazev in the field of exact agriculture ", Balabanov Victor Ivanovich, the dean of faculty PRIMA FGBOU IN" RGAU - MCA named after K.A. Timiryazev ";

- "The contribution of the Timiryazev RGAU-MAAA to the implementation of the subprogram" Development of potato selection and seed production in the Russian Federation "(Leunov Vladimir, acting dean of the Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology, FGBOU VU RGAU - MAA named after KA Timiryazev ");

- "The state of selection of vegetable crops in RGAU-MAAA named after K.A. Timiryazev "(Monakhos Grigory, Director of the selection station named after NN Timofeev);

- "On international projects of the RGAU-MAKSA. K.A. Timiryazeva in the field of selection and seed production of vegetable crops "Khrustaleva Lyudmila, Head of the Center for Molecular Biotechnology;

- "On the participation of the State Agrarian University - MAAA named after K.A. Timiryazev in the development of biological means for protecting vegetable crops" (Jalilov Fevzi-Said, Head of the plant protection laboratory of the FGBU VO "RGAU - MAAA named after K.A. Timiryazev").

Having outlined promising growth points, colleagues wished each other the embodiment of all ideas, innovations and scientific ideas.

It should be noted that on the Day of Russian Science in the RGAU-MAAA them. After a major overhaul, KA Timiryazev opened a laboratory building, which includes a laboratory of genetics, selection and biotechnology of vegetable crops, the Department of Botany, selection and seed-growing of garden plants. The new material and technical base will shorten the duration of the process of crop selection for several years, which will lead to high results, the emergence of new high-yield varieties and hybrids that are resistant to diseases and pests that are competitive in the domestic and foreign markets.

At the end of the meeting, Deputy Minister Ivan Lebedev presented 13 scientists, of which 9 - from Moscow and the Moscow region and only 4 - from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Gratitude of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Gratitude of the federal agency "For success in scientific work", signed by the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Alexander Tkachev, was received by the head of the Research and Innovation Center of Stavropol State University, candidate of technical sciences Dmitry Ivanov

Дата новости для фото:  09.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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