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Form the image of the future social sphere in Russia

The session was held on behalf of the Ministry of Labor of Russia for the implementation of the All-Russian People's Project "The Image of Future Social Services 2025". Such events are held now throughout the country, in general in all federal districts in them will be able to participate more than 100 thousand people. Among them are representatives of all regions of the North Caucasus Federal District, the public, recipients of social services, the professional community, authorities at all levels, business and the non-profit sector.
As a result of the discussions, a consolidated image of the future social sphere of Russia will be formulated, which is planned to be presented at the All-Russian Forum "The Future" in March 1-2, 2018 in Moscow.
At the thematic locations in Stavropol State Agrarian University, the quality of social services was discussed; proposals for the development of this sphere were introduced during the panel discussion. The planned results of the district strategic session, according to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the population of Stavropol, were to be: a demonstration of the dialogue between the professional community, non-profit organizations, recipients of social services and legislative and executive authorities; specific proposals for the development of social protection / protection in the participating regions; identification of growth points and risk zones, legislative initiatives at the municipal, regional, federal levels to improve the system; building administrative lifts for the introduction of advanced ideas and projects in the regions; adjustment of road maps for the activities of subject, regional, territorial and sectorial executive bodies; technological innovations and exchange of best practices; involvement of specialists in the social sphere in the design of the model of the future social sphere in Russia.
The session began its work on February 8 on the basis of the Stavropol State University. Participation in the opening of the two-day event, which brought together those who help the Russians in difficult life situations, was received by the first deputy chairman of the regional parliament Dmitry Sudavtsov. In his welcoming speech, he noted the need and high importance of this work, because Russia as a social state must deal with the social sphere in order to provide all citizens with equal opportunities. The session is designed to give this work the right direction. "In order to be able to systematically resemble in the near future issues that today are quite a lot in the social sphere, we need to correctly formulate the tasks," emphasized the first vice speaker of the regional parliament.
The participants of the first day of the work of the district Strategic Session worked on 5 sites on the themes: "Thinking about the elderly, we think about the future", "The establishment of social services: the disclosure of opportunities and benefits", "Quality and accessibility of social services", "Independent evaluation of social services», "Development of social services in rural areas and in remote regions of Russia".
On February 9, during the plenary session, participants discussed key counterparts of the future image and formed a plan for achieving it. During the panel discussion, the results of the regional Strategic Session were presented, and proposals and initiatives for the development of the social sphere were formulated.

Дата новости для фото:  11.02.2018 10:17:03
Номер новости для фото:  1

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