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Grazing livestock in the EAEU countries: steps towards accelerated development

The round table discussion "Development of the concept of the interstate program of the Eurasian agricultural technological platform" Accelerated development of grazing livestock in the countries of the EAEU ", held on February 9 in Moscow, and the meeting - February 10 in St. Petersburg, scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. These significant meetings in Russia became the next stage in the promotion of the concept of the interstate program after the recent business Italian format in Verona.
To achieve the goal in cooperation
The moderator of the round table in Moscow was the President of the Eurasian Agricultural Technological Platform, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ivan Usachev. He stressed that all the countries of the EAEU have huge untapped resources, but there is dependence on imports, and called on the participants to express their opinion on the concept of accelerated development of pasture livestock. In his opinion, it is important to choose the right directions in the right way, the right to prioritize. The concept should cover all stages - from accelerated breeding of promising selected breeds to processing, including associated agricultural production (horticulture, vegetable growing, etc.), on the basis of digitalization, with the inevitable impact of projects on the development of rural areas (creation of small-scale production, development of agro-tourism and etc.). Of course, everything must be calculated financially for both the business and the budgets of the countries, assessing the potential multiplier effect.
Thus, the topic for the agenda of the meeting was indeed chosen to be very topical, if not urgent, because at present all agricultural producers, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the governments of the five states - the EAEU countries, are waiting for scientists from this platform to make real proposals to increase the volume of agricultural products, including livestock, competitive and in demand both on the domestic and foreign markets. And animal husbandry itself could well become the locomotive of the agrarian sector, contributing to the diversification of crop production of such a powerful integration association as the Eurasian Economic Union. The products of livestock in the EAPP countries have already become interested in Iran, Iraq, China, India, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, having solvent markets.
At the current stage of the initiation, after a recent meeting in Verona, the Moscow round table was called upon to create a high-level working group in order to further adopt the main provisions of the concept of the intergovernmental program of the ECPTP and present it to the leadership of the states. The participants of the event were aimed to prepare a memorandum of cooperation for the development and implementation of the inter-program "Accelerated development of pasture livestock in the EAEU countries" and a road map for the preparation and implementation of this program, which will be financed within the national budget. There are other financial institutions interested in its implementation. The main criteria for high-tech projects of the inter-program should be their innovative bias, applied and integrating the market component, contributing to an increase in production volumes and solving the problems and problems that are presently in the livestock sector of the EAEU countries.
Russia and the countries of the EAEU: the vector of scientists is called upon to work!
Director of the Eurasian Center of Competences "Management of Innovations in the Agroindustrial Complex" of the North-West Institute of Management - the branch of the Russian Academy of Science and Science, the coordinator-secretary of the ECTCC Irina Num announced the main goal of the concept - ensuring the food security and independence of the EAPP countries, the competitiveness of domestic products in the world food markets and the reduction of technological risks of the agro-industrial sector. I. Num. We also reported that the director of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education V. I. Truhachev will lead the development of the Eurasian intergovernmental program in Russia. The Stavropol State University is the initiator of the development of the state program in Russia.
The vice-rector for scientific and innovative work of SSAU, the candidate of veterinary sciences, the professor Vitaliy Morozov, the doctor of agricultural sciences, the professor of the department of private zootechny, breeding and breeding of animals Sergey Oleinik and the strategic partner of the university - the All-Russia Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding participated in the round table from the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the person of its director, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Marina Selionova.
Stavropol scientists have expressed the view that it is Russia, having an unsurpassed potential of land, should occupy its niche for the production of organic products that are close to organic, in the symbiosis of intensive and extensive pastoral livestock. At the same time, new approaches are needed in breeding, feeding and resource equipping, using experimental sites to obtain guaranteed lots of young animals.
V. Morozov outlined his approach of collaboration, expressing the hope that in 2020 there will be funding for the program under discussion. One of the main reasons for the insufficient development of beef cattle breeding, according to the scientist, is the inability to enter the world market. "Importing the same genetic material from abroad is just fantastic sums!" - said Vitaly Yuryevich, urging his colleagues not to catch up with the notorious West, but to look to the future of their country by competing in the world market with the results of their own achievements. He also raised an important issue of intellectual property protection, since the university has experience in the design of Eurasian patents for inventions, including when several companies act simultaneously as patent holders.
The lecturer Professor S.A. Oleinik continued the discussion. Sergey Alexandrovich focused on the universal methodology of ICAR, which for the first time in Russia was introduced a few years ago by the Stavropol GAC and with the help of which it is possible to reliably estimate the quality of livestock products and then enter the world trade in genetic resources. The agrarian institution sees the implementation of the program by Russia in cooperation with the major co-executors - the National Union of Milk Producers Soyuzmoloko, the National Union of Beef Producers, the National Union of Sheep Breeders. Such interaction will make it possible to make real the existing developments and make the necessary contribution to the development of livestock in the countries of the EAEC.
In addition to representatives of the scientific sphere of Russia, other participants of the technological platform - from Armenia and Kazakhstan - were interested participants of the meeting. So, in particular, the president of the Republican public association "Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Gani Alimovich Kaliev reported that of the 180 million hectares of pasture of the republic currently used only about 30%, where sheep breeding, camel breeding, herding, with a large deficit of land water resources. Meat, grown in Kazakhstan, the country is provided only by 60%. Bolatkhan Mahatovich Makhatov, deputy director of the National Agrarian Scientific and Educational Center, mentioned the increased interest in lamb from the Asian countries, and in this direction, in his opinion, the Stavropol and Kazakh scientists could work together fruitfully. In addition, the logical proposal of the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.I. Trukhachev was suggested and encouraged by colleagues - to involve in the work on the development of sheep breeding on arid lands Kalmyk Research Institute of Agriculture, so the weather and climate profile of this region of Russia is close to Kazakhstan. The Deputy Director General of LLP "Kazakh Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Asan Bekeshovich Ospanov, considers important the development of the concept in all the best institutes of mechanization in Russia and Belarus.
Actuality of the concept is fully shared by the pro-rector of the National Agrarian University of Armenia. The doctor of agricultural sciences, professor Yuri G. Marmaryan stated the "bitter experience of privatization of pasture lands" when in the early 1990s almost all the livestock in his country were put under a knife, and then for several years they created a new gene pool for animals and are still restoring this industry.
"Therefore, the economic and economic conditions of each state in the development of the concept should be fully taken into account," the Armenian scientist emphasized, noting the prospects of the future document. - There is a definite backlog in Armenia - the program with the European Union, including GIS technologies, remote sensing, etc., has been approved.
Digitalization is the key to the efficiency of solutions
On the advantages of digitalization, on the basis of which the whole project will be implemented, namely about robotic complexes, Sergey Potapov, the chief designer of SPE "New Technologies of Telecommunications", spoke at a round table.
Tens of millions of livestock or plants on hundreds of millions of hectares will be able to control a distributed system of sensors that are deepened into the ground and are on animals, as well as high-performance drones equipped with monitoring systems, the range of loads on them is worked out on the basis of needs. This ensures promptness: it will be possible to identify the first outbreak of an animal disease in a timely manner, or the appearance of harmful insects, or the result of fertilizers, can be planted or removed from the herd, etc. A huge array of data is processed in real time practically without human intervention. The technology is scaled to both a private farmstead and large farms and territories.
"By creating a high-tech cluster of a universal type, it is possible to raise existing and abandoned infrastructure (the same unused aerodromes for small aircraft, etc.), not only agricultural tasks, on the basis of a single technological platform," Potapov is sure. - It is possible to carry out both monitoring and effecting, and organize a pool of new studies. With the Stavropol State Agrarian University we have already won one of such federal research programs, supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, it can enter into the discussed concept.

Strategic Initiative of Agrarian University
Of course, now the very concept of a colossal interstate program is still very mobile yet. A lot of work is ahead. There will, of course, be reformulations and lobbying of the national interests of each country, taking into account the different levels of program relevance and needs of the EEA states. However, the special general significance of the largest project and the participation of the scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University under the leadership of the rector, Academician VI Trukhachev, speak of the university's scientific community reaching the innovative orbit of the international - Euro-Asian level, where the responsibility is extremely high, the more rigid framework excludes the time for "Swing" and there is no room for mistakes, miscalculations, failures. To this, the most important state task is to ensure the food sovereignty of the Fatherland.

Дата новости для фото:  11.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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