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Learned to manage a virtual company and compete with each other


Students of the Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol SAU fought in the semi-final of the Cup of Management “Upravly!”, held on February 8-9 in Pyatigorsk. The event became one of the projects of the open platform “Russia is a country of opportunities”, created on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin.

The organizer of the Cup of Management “Upravly!” was the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. This large-scale project is aimed at supporting young people with managerial potential in adaptation in the labour market and at the beginning of their career, designed to promote the formation of competencies demanded by the labour market.

Arriving in Pyatigorsk, the best students of the Stavropol Territory and all the republics of the North Caucasus used this unique opportunity to try on their managerial position in order to feel what it is like to manage and at the same time assess their own knowledge and skills.

Preliminary four students of the 3rd year of SSAU from the direction of study “Management” Juliya Galayan, Sokolovsky Sergey, Onischenko Larissa and Bondareva Elizaveta won the online qualifying stage of the Cup, and thus the students went to the semi-final of the NCFD. Together with the mentors - lectures of the Management Department O. S. Zvyagintseva and O. N. Babkina they went to participate in the semi-final of competitions.

The competition process took place in the form of teamwork consisting of 3-5 people, aimed at managing virtual companies and competing with each other. In this case, the actions of the participants were evaluated by experts who filled out special forms of assessment, and the decisions of the teams were handled by simulating the management process itself. At the end of the competition, each team presented its project management virtual company in the form of presentation.

The results of the semi-final of the Cup of Management “Upravly!” will be known in a week, and 10 winners from the North Caucasus Federal District will go to Moscow to participate in the final of the game! Winners are expected to receive excellent prizes: grants for the master’s program, participation in the Global Management Challenge finals, training in leading Russian companies, and an invitation to work for the largest companies and state authorities. Students will also be able to participate in the forum “Russia is a country of opportunities”, which will be held on 11-16 March 2018 in Moscow at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements.

Reference: The open platform “Russia is a country of opportunities” is aimed at bringing the management system in line with the demands of the society for efficiency and justice, involving people in advanced social practices and implemented with the support of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  3

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