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Student of Stavropol State Agrarian University Inna Kulieva won the All-Russian contest of student government “Leader of the XXI century”


The head of the volunteer team “Dobrovolets”, the student of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University won a victory in the nomination “The best leader in the field of volunteerism”.

From February 8 to 11 in the city of Rostov-on-Don, the All-Russian competition for the best organization of the activities of student government “Leader of the XXI century” was held.

Savropol SAU was represented in two categories. In the nomination “The best system of preparation and training of the student's asset”, the agrarian high school was represented by Viktoria Svetlichnaya, the vice-chairman of the primary trade union of students of SSAU, and in the nomination “The best leader of the association in the field of volunteerism” - the leader of the volunteer team “Dobrovolets”, a 4th year student of the Accounting and Finance Faculty Inna Kulieva. As a result of the competition, she became the winner of the nomination, presenting to the jury the activity in the youngest team of the University “Dobrovolets”.

A high victory in the field of volunteerism is becoming especially significant in the year announced the Year of the Volunteer in Russia, and again confirms the special significance of the work of the agrarian volunteers. It should be noted that initially, at the extra-mural stage of the contest, more than 600 applications from all over Russia were submitted for participation. And among the other contestants in the final were two students of Stavropol State Agrarian University, which adequately presented their university and region at the All-Russian level.

Participants said that the full-time stage of the contest consisted of two tests: presentation of activities in which it was necessary to present both personal achievements and achievements of the student self-government body and a situational task, when within 120 minutes, in accordance with the specified conditions, it was necessary to develop structure of the event at the federal level and protect the author’s project before experts and contestants.

Дата новости для фото:  12.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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