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Lectures of Stavropol State Agrarian University are the finalists of the 9th Games of Agrarian Universities of Russia Staff “Zdorovie”


From January 29 to February 3, the 9th Spartakiad of the Staff of Agrarian Universities of Russia “Zdorovie” was held, in which 26 university teams took part.

The organizer of the competition was Kursk State Agrarian Academy headed by the rector, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Vladimir Anatolievich Semykin, thanks to which, according to the participants of the competitions, comfortable conditions for athletes were created, a rich excursion program was organized, and the friendly atmosphere reigned at the competitions.

Lectures competed in swimming, shooting, darts, skiing, volleyball, tug-of-war, table tennis. Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by senior lectures of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Ivanova S.V., Mukhortova N.V., Lyashov I. В. and Head of the Chair of Mathematics Litvin D.B.

Congratulations to the national team of Stavropol State Agrarian University, which became the finalist of swimming competitions! 

Дата новости для фото:  13.02.2018 12:30:15
Номер новости для фото:  1

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