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Students of the Agrarian University visited the solo performance “Revived memory in verse”

On February 8, students of the SSAU witnessed the successful implementation of the non-profit project by Sergei Panfyorov, the winner of the grant competition of the North Caucasus Forum “Mashuk” and “Rosmolodezh”, at the “Memory” Museum in Stavropol.
The Great Russian philologist and historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky wrote: “The people who do not know their past has no future”. To ensure that this important truth does not lose its relevance, one must do everything possible to inculcate in the younger generation love and respect for one’s culture and history. It is this goal that bears in itself a mobile solo performance “Revived Memory in Verses”, which is a figurative recitation of the poem “Vasily Turkin” by the great Soviet poet Alexander Triphonovich Tvardovsky.
In 2017 the project of S.I. Panfyorov became one of the winners of the All-Russian competition of youth projects of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. At the state level, the need for its further implementation was confirmed.
Having visited the Stavropol Museum “Memory”, students of Stavropol State Agrarian University managed to hear one of the most powerful works created during the Great Patriotic War, glorifying the feat of the nameless Russian soldier. For a long time this poem was published in large editions, translated into many languages, entered the school curriculum of the USSR and Russia, and gained worldwide fame.

Дата новости для фото:  14.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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